Thread: Sex in games
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Old 09-29-2005, 11:51 AM   #7
Mrs. Bear
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Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
I think this is so because of the cultural stigma of video games being 'only for kiddies', pretty much how rock n roll was perceived by parents of teenagers in the 1950s. And as with each successive generation, what parents don't understand they may immediately find threatening, so they lash out. It's understandable to show sexuality and violence on t.v. and the cinema - the older generation grew up with that. It's mostly likely going to take another generation for interactive media to finally surmount that very obstacle that jazz (in the 1020s), rock n roll, and television struggled to overcome.

Hate to say it, but it l have to take the powerful generation that includes Hillary Clinton and Senator Joseph Lieberman to die off before games are taken more seriously as genuine media and source of entertainment, and as a cultural force to be reckoned with. I myself belong to the generation of gamers who grew up playing Atari, Intellivision, Pacman, and Space Invaders, and many of use already have families. Our kids are the ones who will be enjoying 'mature' games when they begin having their own families.
My thoughts exactly! It's such a bummer being in the in-between generation. We grew up with them, but those dopes in power who didn't grow up with them think they are just for kiddies, and what better way to appease your constituents then to say you're just trying to protect the children.
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