Thread: Seeing double
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Old 09-28-2005, 07:35 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by mag
hmmmm...tempting, but I get the feeling that wouldn't really make me look any better.

If you want to make yourself stick out from all the other guys? (any cracks about your head and I'll personally fly to PA and slap you silly)


Nothing, and I mean nothing makes a woman feel good when a guy notices little details about us. I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago. The woman all noticed it and complimented me. The other night, a guy I know, noticed it and said it looked nice (he's taken by a lovely woman already though). The first guy to do so. Most men, even if they notice, don't often say things like that. I personally think it's awesome. A girl doesn't forget that. You look pretty. You smell good. Don't overdo it. Do it once, back off a little but smile at her and then hit with another compliment. She will soon be searching for you. Then you can ask her out.
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