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Old 09-26-2005, 03:26 PM   #52
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Chicago
Posts: 471

Fine, just to be civil and back on point; isn't it fair to say that one can find similarities in any movie FROM any other movie in the history of movies? Nothing you mentioned is so specific that it would be considered 'ripping off'. I mean come on, the Predator cloaking? How else would one do 'cloaking'? Thats reaching a bit to support an argument. I mean venting? Torture scene from LW? Come on...

Perhaps any sci fi tv show that has a P90 in it is ripping off SG-1? Or wait, is SG-1 ripping off something else I can't quite recall?

When a movie comes out, direct to tape thats about a robot disguised as a human that travels from the future to the present to kill the leader of a resistance group that in the future fights the robots, well thats rather specific...THATS a ripoff.

A game about a biker gang that gets framed and tries to help set things right by helping the deceased owner of a motorcycle manufacturer...ripoff.

A game where the scene begins in a bar and everyone is having a good time...not a ripoff...a scene where the main guy jumps a gorge on a ramp, perhaps fine line, but not a real 'ripoff'.

Context is very important, and in truth, an original idea is very hard to come by these days. Its how you use concepts and 'other ideas' TOGETHER in a cohesive and consistent manner to tell a good story...thats where the originality comes in.

When there is a gratuitous attempt to use a very specific element, even if it doesn't fit into what you're creating(or especially if it doesn't fit), for the SOLE purpose of benefiting from the original elements successes...ripoff.
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