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Old 09-26-2005, 04:44 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Once a Villain
I'm not saying there aren't science fiction elements. I never said that. I simply believe that when describing a film, game, whatever...there should be a genre that the work fits into more than the others. Just like in a book store, you've got sections depending on what type of book you are seeking. Some books may have elements within them that are better defined by another section, but that doesn't necessarily mean they should be moved into that section. You have to go with what the overall genre is.
I'm not Barnes & Noble. I'm not trying to find shelf space for the game. I'm a person having a conversation. And I would expect the people I'm talking to to understand that Metal Gear Solid is science fiction in addition to being action. What you're suggesting is like saying, "No, Monkey Island isn't a comedy. It's an adventure game." They're two completely different kinds of genres. One describes the theme and tone of the game. The other describes the gameplay. It's the same thing with science fiction. Calling something science fiction doesn't tell you whether it's action, comedy, mystery, whatever. Nor does it tell you whether the game is an adventure game, a strategy game, a role playing game, etc.

Besides, even if we were to go by your book store example, Metal Gear Solid would be more likely to be placed in the science fiction section than anywhere else.

MGS is undeniably science fiction. Just suck up the loss, and move on with your life.

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