Thread: Introductions
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Old 09-19-2005, 07:00 PM   #42
Bad Influence
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Originally Posted by Jeysie
(chuckles at Scott)

I feel strangely better now, thanks.


So there's no hope for someone who's naturally honest, straightforward, friendly, practical, and simple, and thus, well, kind of boring and not at all suited for a "mysterious, aloof, sultry, hard-to-get" charade?

Heh. Now that I think about it, I was a bit incorrect that men don't pay attention to me. It's more like men *my own age* don't pay attention to me.

In the span of the past few weeks I've had two separate fellows, one of them just today, both more than old enough to be my father, offer to give me a ride from the bus stop. One of the fellows also completely puzzled me by telling me I was "pleasant-looking" when at the time I was pacing back and forth frowning and muttering in a fit of irritation over the bus being 30 minutes late yet again. (I would think that a description of "looking like you were about to throttle somebody" would have been more accurate.)

This isn't the first time men way too old for me have expressed interest in me. Yet men my own age don't find me interesting. Why is this, I wonder?

Peace & Luv, Liz
*horning in and answering a question directed at Trep* Because men of a certain age have the wisdom and experience to appreciate the real and permanent wonderful qualities you display rather than the false and fleeting shallow flashiness that some women depend on to attract equally shallow young boys.

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