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Old 09-14-2005, 02:54 PM   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Greece
Posts: 37

It's not about adventures vs the world (again). It's simply nice to see a major magazine treat adventures in a senseful and respectful manner, since the majority of mags consider the adventure genre to be "dead", only good for a few laughs now and then. So I guess that you think that it's better to go on reading about how adventures are dead etc, instead of recognizing a different and more positive approach.

Like it or not, it's extremely unlikely we are going to see any good traditional adventure games in the future (by the way, please define the term "adventure game" to me, cause maybe I got it all wrong...). Adventure games will simply evolve, because everything else does. The point is that Fahrenheit might be a stimulator for a lot of people who ignore adventure games. And if it sells well, who knows, maybe major publishers will look at upcoming productions with a different point of view.

Anyway, I truly believe that adventure gamers should stop bitchin and complaining about everything, and try -for once- to look at the brighter side of things.
"A bitter harvest
of a barren land
I'm drawing pictures
you won't understand..."
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