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Old 08-15-2005, 10:45 PM   #69
The Impostor
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I'm talking about how everyone saw them as "dangerous rockers," when they weren' all...they were posers! And damn you, I love ya dude, but Queen IS badass.
Again I'll stress that this isn't a reason to dislike their music; it's a just a comment on the public perception of them at the time. And really, no one ever thought of them as being "dangerous rockers" as much as you stress — The Rolling Stones were, after all, their contemporaries. The real posers in my book are people like Alice Cooper and Judas Priest. All that macho-aggression is utterly laughable. They just come across as lame.

The only reason the Beatles had a huge impact on music is because everyone bought into the hype and money makes the world go round.
Everyone including credible artists who baulk at mainstream commercialism. Most of the people you like, for instance, have probably been influenced by them in some way. Heck they even had an effect on Bob Dylan (and vice versa). And speaking of money, all the people on your playlist are money-making products who were spawned and nurtured to fill the pockets of greasy executives.

And on that point, I find your taste incomprehensible. How can Bob Dylan sit along side Evanescence and The Used? It makes no logical sense to me. Oh well, each to their own, I suppose.

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