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Old 08-06-2005, 07:51 AM   #36
Crunchy in milk
delusions of adequacy
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Originally Posted by pinkgothic
How is that a proper analogy? Like Scott said, it's not like you can't avoid tapping into an open WLAN. In your analogy, you can't avoid it, and in Aj's, you can't avoid it, and so on. This is the main difference between what all you people who think it's the sender's fault are making in regards to reality. Sorry to break it to you. (Well, technically, Scott did, but it looks like everyone's been conviniently overreading that)
Not at all, the point Scott made is faulty. You repeating it with an additional apology doesn't make it any better, but I appreciate the gesture.

I could very well walk around with a pair of earmuffs or go to some other length to *avoid* hearing any conversation I'm not sure I should be privy to. Likewise I might invest in an oxygen tank and a breathing mask and walk around making sure I don't happen to consume a bit of oxygen that isn't rightfully mine.

If you are in possession of sensitive information and don't want it getting around, you protect it. Especially if you've paid good money for it. Spies don't shout out national secrets across great big fields with megaphones do they?

If you've ever tried setting up a computer to connect to a network with a DHCP server (used in just about every modern router/modem these days to make home networks easier and to facilitate easy internet sharing via NAT) then you'd see most people's settings read something akin to 'do it all automatically'. The server sorts it all out.

If you've ever set up a wifi modem then you'd also notice that the means to restrict your signal to only those you specificially want to isn't on by default but is quite possible, and strenuously recommended.

Bandwidth leeching is even encouraged in some places. If I go to the city I can get free internet access in many places because businesses and our telecommunications companies have sponsored hot spots. Now I'm not suggesting Trep is a telecommunications company, or intended to give out free internet access. I can't begin to guess at the character of his neighbour(s), although you seem willing enough to.

As I see it, it's still 'trespassing'. Kind of like walking around in a privately owned forest you didn't see the "Do not trespass" sign.
A forest is a stationary (relatively speaking) thing into which you must walk. it doesn't naturally move itself around you and expect you to realise it belongs to someone else and would you kindly go to the trouble of avoiding walking amongst it, even if it should happen to be moving about inside your house tempting you with free wood for your fire...

I think Scott's aborted analogy set in the public shower might have proven closer to the mark. If only it had included a great big sign on the guy's back, that he put there himself.

[Edited some spelling errors, not all of them mind you I'm not a saint or anything]

Last edited by Crunchy in milk; 08-06-2005 at 07:59 AM.
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