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Old 08-06-2005, 07:42 AM   #40
Beyond Belief
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Originally Posted by Crunchy in milk
If you're so keen on data and statistics it would be grand if you supplied links to the data you quote, contrary to what you post here there seems quite a few beancounters of differing opinion. Some suggest as high as 16% and reactionary comments to this figure guess around the 10% mark with the word 'realistically' put somewhere in the sentence as evidence.
I'm keen on people backing up statements said as facts with atleast some statistical basis. If i made out that any of the statistics I posted was legitimate in my view or that my views represent fact then that is more of a communication problem on my part. I didn't see the point in posting links to press releases that have no infomation on how the data was collected, but I guess you think differently.
If they make games, sure... 3D is used more often than in just games, student folios, and hollywood mov... 3DStudio max is also bloody expensive, as are a lot of high end 3D applications. For the more common use of 3D art (image renders) I would imagine a combination of much cheaper, more varied programs are used.
How is it different? Is modelling for animation that much different from modelling for a still render that a cheaper, possibly inferior product can be used? The sites I go to the professionals there tend to use Maya and 3DSM, because they are great tools, I'm not talking about an average desktop user, I'm talking about professionals. Are you implying that the software is only suited to games?
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