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Old 07-23-2005, 02:42 PM   #13
Dungeon Master
Join Date: Nov 2003
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I think it would work best as a sci-fi crime drama:

Sergant Samuel N. Maxwell gets out of the police car and joins Inspector Gilbert Ron who is conducting a crime scene investigation of the fresh found body.

Sam: What do we have here?
Gil: [kneeling next to the corpse] Another one, Sam. It's getting rather serious, sonny.
Sam: Same method?
Gil: Same method, same tools, same everything. [stands up wiping the dirt from his hands and knees, and gives Sam an ueber-concerned stare] This killer is clearly playing with us.
Sam: [it's him who kneels to examine the body this time] Okay, let's think. What kind of killer would be that extravagant? I mean, it's not 21st century any more. Cliches are expensive nowadays. How many would be enough to kill this short, weak fellow we've got down here?
Gil: One. Two at most.
Sam: And this guy is, *literally*, [stands up] covered with them!
Random Policeman: Sir, this was found in the victim's pocket [hands Gil a piece of paper and leaves]
Sam: What's that? A ticket?
Gil: Indeed, looks like one... [looks closer] like a library ticket, to be exact. Would it mean--

Dramatic pause.

Gil: Are you thinking the same thing I am, Sam?
Sam: [blinks nervously] Er, I guess so. Myst?
Gil: Not Myst himself - that's out of the question. He has been quiet for years now.
Sam: Do you reckon-- A copycat? Or somebody trying to frame him?
Gil: Both. Sort of. Son, I think it's safe to assume that... [the close-up of the frowned Gilbert's face] the Clones are on the loose again.


What's happening? Wh... Where am I?
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