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Old 07-23-2005, 08:41 AM   #19
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Funny... maybe I had less discriminating taste back then, but I can't remember disliking any of the games I played as a kid (all the King's Quests, most of the Police Quests and a few of the Space Quests). The ones I wasn't as thrilled with were Phantasmagoria, King's Quest 7, and Police Quest 4 (the ending) -- and I was over 18 when I played them. I wonder if those games are really worse, or if my expectations changed.

I never got mad at the games for making me go back to replay a section (I had to replay KQ4 entirely because I shot one of the arrows off at the beginning of the game) or for the many ways to die. I just saw those things as a natural part of the game, I guess.
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