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Old 07-23-2005, 08:32 AM   #18
Third Guy from Andromeda
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Originally Posted by Venkman
Leisure Suit Larry 5. As Al Lowe said, "this is from my 'oh, I get it, people want games that are like little movies!' phase."
In Al's defense, I recently reminded him (and I was amazed that he hadn't remembered!) that LSL5 arose the way it did because Ken Williams had learned from reading our customer surveys that a significant percentage of players never finished the games they started. "We're making them too hard," Ken said, and since LSL5 was the next game to start up, he told Al to make sure that 100% of players would be able to finish the game, even if this was the first adventure they'd ever played.

Al was only giving Ken what Ken asked for. And to Ken's credit, LSL5 went over VERY well with a large number of people who wrote to us and said, "Thank you! I've never been able to finish one of these games before!" But the number of people who reacted badly greatly outnumbered the people who were grateful, so there was never a repeat of the experiment.

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