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Old 07-22-2005, 11:00 PM   #14
The Solomon of Sarcasm
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 207

"Have you seen this man? No? Well, he's a COLD BLOODED KILLER!!"
Well, in his defense, he HAD just met a cold-blooded killer, which is something that probably doesn't happen to the rest of us when we meet new people.

Now, my opinions on the topic at hand:

EMI: Monkey Kombat. That's all I have to say about this. Monkey. Frigging. Kombat. There was no redemption after that.

KQ5: The first one I played after King's Quest 6, my favorite in the series, so that may have colored my decision, but this game barely had any story at all. Minimal character interaction, walking-dead puzzles around every corner, and a choppy area-to-area progression make for a really unenjoyable game.

QFG1: I loved this whole series, but as they kept getting better after each one, I guess this was the worst for me. Note: I never played QFG5.

BS2: I enjoyed it, but nowhere near as much as the other two.
Before you ask, "Nemel Chelovek" is from a Russian fairy tale about a dragon, his uncle, a princess, and a heroic pageboy. Nemel is the uncle in question.

Advertisers don't program morals into their audiences. It would be bad for business.
--Sara Ogaz, Queen of the World

Just about every adventure game includes you needing to combine a ham and a wrench to make a "porkscrew".
--Kevin Wilson
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