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Old 11-09-2003, 10:39 AM   #9
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My tips to preserve games are:
-Don't be a 10 year old kid
-Don't borrow a game to a 10 year kid
-NEVER borrow to anyone at all!!

I was stupid enough to borrow a game to a kid once...
The CD had so many scratches it look like he used it as a cutting board. The manual was wrinkled and torn...

I was stupid enough to borrow ANOTHER game, a Game Boy one... To ANOTHER KID, the kid told me he was having a hard time beating the game... A game not only he should be embarresed to admit he played, but the should die of shame becuase he couldn't beat (not Hamtaro, something worst).... He never returned it....

Sabrina The Animated Series: Zapped

The only games I have in bad shape were in bad shape to begin with, the only exception was "Monster Rancher" which claimed that every CD you popped in could unlock a monster.... All that CD swapping is bad for the CDs...

The boxes are in a good condition too...

I wonder what do kids do to CD to get them in that bad shape? Just try to get a used CD from a video rental store and you'll see what I mean....

90% of my diskette games work... And I can't tell if my 5.25" ones work, because I think my used floppy drive is half-broken....

I always have empty jewel cases to replace old broken ones....

Just give your games some TLC and they'll be fine....
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