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Old 07-04-2005, 04:22 PM   #18
Bad Influence
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Originally Posted by Jazhara7
I doubt it. It's hard to get most of the ingredients, and they are all dangerous:

* kerosene - That's Airplane fuel
* propylene glycol - not that dangerous, if in small quantities. Used in some foods
* sulphuric acid - Let me say it this way:
Little Johnny took a drink
but he shall drink no more.
For what he thought was H2O
Was H2SO4.
* artificial sweeteners - okay, they are not really dangerous
* red dye no2 - Popular food coloring, which was later found to be a carcinogen (=causes cancer)
* rum - alcohol is bad for you, didn't you know?
* acetone - also known as propane (which is a flammable)
* battery acid - do I have to explain this?
* scumm - Eating computers is unhealthy, unless you are Michel Lotito ("Monsieur Mangetout")...I don't know about software and engines on a computer, though...
* axle grease - this is just jucky...
* and/or pepperoni. - ...I kind of like this one...

Sulfuric acid and battery acid are the same thing. I get it splashed on me all the time and while it doesn't burn skin immediately, it [I]will[/] sting like the dickens if it comes in contact with mucus membranes or an open cut. I can't say I'd care to drink it, though.
Perhaps the "scumm" is what we call "scum", as in pond scum, the algae mats that form on stagnant water.

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