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Old 06-13-2005, 12:26 AM   #20
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Posts: 5,841

Only people who want to support the games industry buy games when they first come out... did you know part of the problem with adventure games is that in general, and after a census on a couple of sites, that adventure gamers always wait for a price drop, sale or second-hand? And then some moan about the state of the genre!

New games cost money. That's it. There's no point calling someone a fool for buying something new. I'll always look for a bargain - I often get my games from Jersey (tax/import haven, cheaper to buy there and ship it), but if a title comes out I've been waiting for then I'll buy it. There's no point calling someone a fool if they can afford to do it, or have been waiting a while for that new piece of entertainment they've been looking forward to or saving up.
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