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Old 06-02-2005, 11:05 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
But wouldn't it not matter what kind of game it is? If it merited very high scores then surely many more people would notice that and be naturally curious enough to investigate it. Many publications lauded Grim Fandango, but it was never Tim Schafer's intention to make it a game ONLY for adventure game fans.

And as far as "the media, and certainly the mainstream, always seem to work on the assumption that the only gamers that will enjoy adventures are adventure gamers", isn't it also true of real time strategy games, flight sims, and MMORPGs (which practically demand you give up your life for them)?
In my experience reviewers come up with the "only for adventure gamers" far more often than in any other genre. Maybe technically that is factually true but nobody ever showed me numbers to confirm it. So I say maybe.............

And maybe Still Life really did deserve it's 6.7 score from Gamespot.

Maybe it did but nearly all of the games players that have voted at Gamespot appear to disagree with the reviewer. So MAYBE the reviewer got it wrong (they're only human you know). Both you and I are yet to play the game so I guess time will back one of us up. And who know, if we both have different tastes, time may back BOTH of us up. MAYBE............

I will say this, there are quite a few people around here who appear to want every conventional adventure to fail and things to evolve so that their own tastes can be satisfied. It shows a narrow-mindedness to be unable to accept that while some adventures may not be to their tastes or standards, there are gamers (old and new) who just may like what is released.

What I or anyone else thinks is ultimately unimportant. The only important factors are units sold and profits made. That's what determines what types of games are coming out. It's very rare that a completely new direction is taken with any game in any genre and many try and fail (credit to them for trying). The few that succeed become classics. While some of us play the games of our choice between the release of the rare classics, others only seem happy to sit around bemoaning the fact that there isn't a classic or revolutionary game (of any type) and that so much is stagnant. I find that sad personally. There are far more important things in the world worth bemoaning than how average an adventure game apparently is. It's all relative to the gamer playing it and their tastes, mood, patience, tolerance, etc, etc, ad infinitum.......................

To each their own. If someone doesn't like something, move along, there has to be something out their your energies are far better spent on. As John and Paul wrote, "Let it be".

(btw, Trep, much of this isn't aimed at you personally. But some of it is. )
"Of please! Looking at how sexy, beautiful, and womanly meg is, why the hell
would anyone need Viagra?" - Intrepid Homosapiens sapiens (made her Valentines Day btw - you big romantic, Trep.)
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