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Old 05-24-2005, 11:02 AM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by SoccerDude28
See with PC games, publishers and developers tend to be lazy. I'm guessing this is what went to the publisher's mind: "Why wait a few months, when you will have to compete with next-gen XBOX games and big hit PC games, possibly losing a gajillion dollars and euros. Instead, we will just release it like it is, people will buy it, and we will provide patches later on." PC's have the advantage/disadvantage over the consoles, in that you can keep providing patches. With consoles, you have one time to deliver the game, if there is a game stopper bug, you are screwed, and you need a total recall (like in the case of the WWE game). With PC's you can just provide a patch and people will download it. It's really sad that it is actually expected that a game will have a patch to fix bugs these days.

Also I think that PC's not being owned by any one company do not have the scrutiny that XBOX and PS2 games have. Every console game needs to be approved by Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo to be shipped. With PC's, no one is there to prevent you from shipping an unfinished piece of crap.
For some reason, the Office of Fair Trading rules don't seem to apply to publishers. I don't mind bugs that're hardware configuration or driver based problems - to an extent, but that's PC gaming for you. But bugs due to the developer not having time to finish the title is unforgiveable.

Problem is, as in the case of Tribes: Vengeance or Vampire: Redemption, games publishers don't always patch them up to completion and don't feel the need to if the game doesn't perform as expected. Well, seriously - I say tough shit on them. People are still being asked to pay full price for games like these on some sites, and the money's still going back to the publisher.

Eh, perfect world and all...
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