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Old 05-18-2005, 03:15 AM   #120
gin soaked boy
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Originally Posted by pinkgothic
fov, not even a slight snide remark? Please?

I've only seen people say "relax the copyright laws, relax the copyright laws", except for the one constructive suggestion of shortening the time, which I heartily disagree with. If I've missed a specific alternative, then I'm sorry, but I did miss it, there's little point in telling me I can't read, I'd prefer you keep such insults to yourself. Instead, point me to it? It's all I'm asking.
First of all, I never said or implied you can't read. Sorry if that insults you, but I don't see how I could be responisble for something I didn't do. Putting words into my mouth insults me.

Just because you don't like or don't agree with the alternatives or relaxations suggested, doesn't mean there haven't been any, you admitted it yourself.

Btw, I was at my information law class yesterday and the theme of the lecture was, bingo, copyright. Apparently, in most Euorpean countries copyright period is set to 70 years after the author's death. The lecturer said he thought that amount of time was ridiculous (his words, translated from Croatian ) and that there is a strong initiative among most European legislators to cut that down drastically. He suggested 15 or 20 years tops and I couldn't agree more.

Originally Posted by tolworthy
Can I say a word in favor of patent law? Patents are harder to obtain than copyrights, and generally represent a greater investment. Yet patents typically last for 14-20 years. It's a good length of time. Copyright law could learn a lot from patent law.
Patenting software/code is illegal in most European countries and rightfully so (it's legal in USA, I think). Besides, you can't patent a game, patents are for technical solutions to (technical) problems. We were told on the lecture to stay away from patents as much as possible because of the long time it takes to patent something (it could take several years).

May I just add that Nintendo is doing the right thing with its virtual console concept planned for Revolution: every Nintendo game ever made will be available for download and Revolution will be able to run it. They'll charge for that, of course.
What you piss in is yours for life.

Last edited by insane_cobra; 05-18-2005 at 03:27 AM.
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