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Old 05-03-2005, 09:54 AM   #3
Bearly Here
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Having worked in law enforcement for the past near 7 years, I have seen just about everybody use similar prfaniy when voicing their frustrations. I think their may be more truth in the way she carried herself than many people realize.
I have been involved with people in law enforcement myself - on an advisary capacity etc.

It was that she is an FBI agent. The rules on hair length etc are very much in play. She wouldn't even have gotten away with her outfit, though it looked great. I have three friends who were FBI field agents. One for 10 years with bank robbery, one for the last 4 years in kidnapping/missing persons and another in serial crimes.

You would never have a female FFBI agent go into her superiors office and say
Usually I get kissed before I get f*****,
heh I am not even sure a urban Sr detective in a standard police deartment would say that to her bosses face and not expect to get written up. Funny line and I don't expect games to follow reality necessarily - suspension of it to a point works great too. In the field - yeah everyone gets looser - but this was with her superior.

Still if she had been a cop - would have been within belief - just NOT in the male dominated, rigid dress code and decorum world of the bureau is all.

It didn't crush the game - it was just something that jarred the mood from time to time. Especially initially - after a while I got used to it as her persona and it didn't have the same effect.
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