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Old 04-10-2005, 10:39 PM   #19
Beyond Belief
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Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

Crash at the end of the Leopold quest, have to get a patch to fix it. Couldn't finish the game on release without loading a map from the console, and giving yourself back your items.
Lock up at the optional zombie quest.
Lock up in the middle of the hotel sabbat quest.

Graphical errors:
Clipping through walls.
Coat getting caught up and stuck in a strange position.
Picking up a phone, without uh picking up the phone.

Lots of typos, too many to remember, no comical ones, things like not putting a space inbetween words.

Gameplay bugs:
Bosses getting trapped on things.
The bar across the door that wont move unless you load the game a few times.

Isaac seems to get stuck in a loop in chat, or they just didn't bother finishing him.

This game has two official patches, an unofficial patch, and is still buggy. The patches say they make it more likely you can pass through a bug, not resolve them.

I think this would be one of the best games ever if they had another year to spend polishing, and making the combat better. It is painful to play, bouncing from joy to fustration constantly.
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