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Old 03-19-2005, 10:28 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by stepurhan
To me, the opening line read not so much as a dig at casual gamers but more a self-mocking reference to serious gamers for dismissing people who just want to play a little.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I honestly don't understand what the problem is. Especially when the developer himself makes such a big point of emphasizing that this game was created for casual gamers. This focus significantly influenced the gameplay, and people have a right to know that before they buy the game.

The simple fact is, adventure gamers don't see themselves as casual gamers, and the people this game is aimed at (whether they call themselves "casual gamers" or not) don't consider themselves adventure gamers. There are differences between the groups, whether they're labeled or not. How does pointing out those differences equal immaturity? (And if we're terrible people for thinking this way... fine then, let's head back to the third grade. )

These types of distinctions are made all over the industry, in all genres. Any time players verbalize what types of games they like, whether those are adventures or RPGs or FPSes, categories are established. Whether or not casual gamers consider themselves gamers isn't the point. The point is that categorization exists, and lately it's been shoved down adventure gamers throats as if we have no choice but to accept it and play those games simply because the developer insists we'll like them. Sorry, but a game that isn't created with an adventure gamer's likes and dislikes in mind, while it may be entertaining in its own right, isn't an adventure game, no matter how you try to spin it.

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