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Old 02-06-2005, 10:14 AM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: London
Posts: 5,841

Purely on the basis of your Totoro avatar, your best bet is CEX off Oxford Street. Just walk down from the Tottenham Court road junction (with Centre Point behind you) and take the second street on the right. Walk down there a bit and there's CEX on your left. High street regular Game occasionally have a good adventure deal too. Ooh, ooh, Computer Game Exchange in Notting Hill too. Just come out of the tube gates, turn right, take the right stairs and keep walking a bit. There's a bunch of exchanges on the left (mainly music), all the same owner apparently, then there's the computer one which always has adventure deals

edit - don't forget to go to Forbidden Planet at Shaftesbury Avenue too. The Covent Garden end.
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