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Old 01-28-2005, 07:40 PM   #12
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The thing that pisses me off is that they never played straight with us. We'd faced two major cancellations already, so I think we at least deserved to be treated with facts, no matter how few of them existed or how bleak the situation was. Instead, they gave us puzzles, and basically pulled a strip tease only to disappoint everyone all over again.

I think the company had good intentions, but they obviously had no idea what the hell they were doing in a business sense, failed to achieve success, and are now somehow major heroes with drooling fanboys. I don't get it. I also don't get why they want Purcell to license the characters to them.

I doubt they could ever manage to antagonize Steve Purcell in a way that could possibly convince fans, so I'm not worried about that. But I think it's downright silly that they're trying to gain Sam & Max fan support right now. Fans were manipulated to a certain degree, and I think that, despite, the good intentions, we have a right to be pissed right now. All they've done is taken a bad situation and made it worse. Right now all I want to see from them is the successful delivery of A Vampyre Story.
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