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E3 2013


Total Posts: 419

Joined 2003-09-12


A new mystery game by Swery65 that is exclusive to Xbox One made me both happy and sad at the same time. Shifty Eyed

Now it’s time to play the waiting game, both to see how D4 actually turns out and to see the console in question hitting a severe price drop.


NP: A Link Between Worlds, Beneath a Steel Sky and Vampyr


Total Posts: 932

Joined 2004-03-23


Too bad it’s pretty much certain that Destiny will need the Gold account (or PS4 equivalent) to play. I’m quite excited about it, but that pretty much means I won’t be able to get to play it (since I don’t have a PS3 either)... Wish MS had done the switcharoo and gone for free online gaming Grin Or at least given some kind of possibility for it, at least for games like this.

Well, hope it comes out for PC some day (in a form that doesn’t need a top-notch computer) or something. But I probably will just have to get used to the idea of not getting to play it Meh

At least there’s Mirror’s Edge 2 to look for.

So, what’s happening in E3 now? Or actually, is today the first proper day? Guess it’s still so early there that it hasn’t started.


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Nintendo Direct was nothing but fanservice mostly, dissapointed with Retro working on
Donkeykong however Wonderful101 looks sick, and X was one of the best of E3.

and obligatory Smile


Total Posts: 164

Joined 2007-11-25


Decent E3 so far. The visual quality of the next gen console games is more or less what I expected, but I’m a bit disappointed that the most interesting game concepts so far has come from multiplayer focused games. For games with a strong singleplayer component, only Project Spark has impressed me, and only to a degree.


Total Posts: 974

Joined 2007-02-23


thejobloshow - 11 June 2013 05:42 AM
Kasper F. Nielsen - 11 June 2013 01:56 AM

thejobloshow: I don’t get the complaint some people have with games being unavailable for download if you stop paying for the service. How is that any different from subscribing to Netflix or a tv cable service? Or any number of other service systems.

I just don’t like how people say you get “free games” when you sign up to PS+, it’s misleading.

Glad to hear that it’s region free - there’a no doubt I’ll be purchasing a PS4 along with PS+, I’ll just grin and bear it.

That’s just poor wording. The thing is that it’s a service just like any other service. Only the difference is that you’re getting a ton of stuff for your money with PS+ as opposed to Live Gold, where you just pay for more or less nothing.

60 dollars a year for a minimum of 36 games is pretty good to me, and usually there’s at least two new games a month for PS3 and Vita, so if PS4 follows that, that’s about 50 games a year… for 60 dollars! And remember, if you’ve downloaded them they won’t suddenly be unplayable if you stop subscribing. It just means you won’t be able to download them anymore.


Total Posts: 2648

Joined 2004-01-18



Prety much the usual stand fare for Nintendo.

Pokemon X & Y for the 3ds coming in Oct. Still continuing to double ship/rip off Pokemon fans. But at least there is a new Fairy type and you can rub you r pokemon to get a deeper connection.


Super Mario 3D world looked quite good with 4 player multiplayer and a new Cat Mario costume. Coming in Dec for Wii U

Mario Kart 8 made a strong showing with anti grav cars that can race on sideways or upside down tracks. Coming to Wii U in Spring 2014.

Wii Party U
could be fun. Lots of party games and some that only require the pad For Wii U but has been delayed to Oct

Wii Fit U wasn’t shown but it has also been delayed until Dec

They were happy with all the drawings people have been doing with the Wii U since launch that they were not expecting. So now they are bring Art Academy to the Wii U at some point, but will launch a toolset later this summer to tide people over.

Zelda Wind Waker HD looked georgous, but I’ve already played it. Coming in Oct to Wii U.

Wonderful 101 continues to look like Pikmin and is coming to Wii U on Sept 15th.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was announced for Wii U in Nov. Looked colourful and if you have played one of the previous games you know what to expect.

Bayonetta 2 tried to adult up the presentation with lots of lingering shots of the female lead. Can’t say I was desperate to play based on the gameplay shots. Coming in 2014 to Wii U.

X was a new Xenoblade meets Monster Hunter game. Lots of open world dinosaur type monsters and Mechs. Looked interesting and is set for Wii U in 2014.

Lastly they announced Super Smash Brothers for both the 3DS and Wii U in 2014. Two new characters added to the fight with Villager from Animal Crossing and Megaman.

They did show a montage of 3rd party stuff which seemed to me mostly Ubisoft or Disney in nature (not looking good).

Overall though it was a decent first party showing of all the usual suspects. New 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Brother and Zelda all making an appearance. All that was missing was a new Zelda Wii U game.


An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.
Roberta Williams


Total Posts: 974

Joined 2007-02-23


The only Nintendo game on display I have any interest in is the new Donkey Kong. But that’s all I need to go out and buy a Wii U once the price drops a bit.


Total Posts: 8998

Joined 2004-01-05


Finally saw the nintendo direct. Nothing new that wasnt already announced but pretty cool that they showed gameplay for all their games. I recently got a wii u in a promo so im happy with the showing.
Really excited about the platinum games, w101 looks like is lots fun and bayo2 is the sequel for the best action game of last gen so its probably good.
Glad that retro is working on the sequel to DK, the first one was amazing, having the sequel along with rayman legends This Year… 2D platform heaven!!!!
Smash Brothers (Wii fit trainer character! lol) and MK8 good multiplayer games, just a bit disappointed that we’ll get 3D Mario and not galaxy3 but I guess its early to see how it will play out.
Slim choices from 3rd party is worrying but thats always the case in the last nintendo consoles, I might actually get the batman game wii u version because of the controller.


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


FinalFantasy XV gameplay Demo , Amazing ....Its Action RPG now

Some gameplay Gifs

Infamous SecondSon
Game walkthrough, looks super sexy , fun and smooth


MGS5 Extended RedBand trailer, some bold stuff





Total Posts: 880

Joined 2010-02-15


Not going to watch any E3 stuff until its over, but DAMN that FFXV looks AMAZING!!!!!


Stuart Bradley Newsom - Naughty Shinobi || Our Game: Shadow Over Isolation


Total Posts: 932

Joined 2004-03-23


Third-Party Publishers WIll Have Final Say On Used Games for PS4

In an interview with Game Trailers’ Geoff Keighley, Sony CEO Jack Tretton shed more light on how used games will work on the PlayStation 4. It seems that, while the system’s first-party games will be free to trade in or share without restriction, third-party publishers can choose to behave otherwise.


“The DRM decision is going to have to be in the hands of the third parties. That’s not something that we’re going to dictate or mandate or control or implement.”

So, you know, it’s not necessarily always as peachy as people thought. What this really means remains to be seen, of course (I’m guessing most won’t implement anything like this in their games, but one could see a company like EA or Ubisoft or such doing it).

I’m reading mixed comments on whether this is the same as things are right now or if it’s not…


Total Posts: 990

Joined 2009-05-08


Really excited over some of the Nintendo stuff I’m seeing and I’m actually warming to this plastic Happy Meal toy look of all their games (Although it might just be my OCD side appreciating the consistency). How cute did Mega Man look though?

Slowly but surely for the big N and I can’t wait to play that Yoshi game.


Total Posts: 974

Joined 2007-02-23


UPtimist - 12 June 2013 04:34 AM

Third-Party Publishers WIll Have Final Say On Used Games for PS4

In an interview with Game Trailers’ Geoff Keighley, Sony CEO Jack Tretton shed more light on how used games will work on the PlayStation 4. It seems that, while the system’s first-party games will be free to trade in or share without restriction, third-party publishers can choose to behave otherwise.


“The DRM decision is going to have to be in the hands of the third parties. That’s not something that we’re going to dictate or mandate or control or implement.”

So, you know, it’s not necessarily always as peachy as people thought. What this really means remains to be seen, of course (I’m guessing most won’t implement anything like this in their games, but one could see a company like EA or Ubisoft or such doing it).

I’m reading mixed comments on whether this is the same as things are right now or if it’s not…

Just read that EA is not going to implement any restrictions: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/413126/peter-moore-ea-did-not-lobby-for-used-games-drm/

“As the guy who is the chief operating officer of Electronic Arts I can tell you that EA did not aggressively lobby for the platform holders to put some gating function in there to allow or disallow used games,” Moore told Polygon at E3.

“I am on the record as being a proponent of used games. I like the ecosystem.”


Total Posts: 7109

Joined 2005-09-29


Kasper F. Nielsen - 12 June 2013 07:18 AM
UPtimist - 12 June 2013 04:34 AM

Third-Party Publishers WIll Have Final Say On Used Games for PS4

In an interview with Game Trailers’ Geoff Keighley, Sony CEO Jack Tretton shed more light on how used games will work on the PlayStation 4. It seems that, while the system’s first-party games will be free to trade in or share without restriction, third-party publishers can choose to behave otherwise.


“The DRM decision is going to have to be in the hands of the third parties. That’s not something that we’re going to dictate or mandate or control or implement.”

So, you know, it’s not necessarily always as peachy as people thought. What this really means remains to be seen, of course (I’m guessing most won’t implement anything like this in their games, but one could see a company like EA or Ubisoft or such doing it).

I’m reading mixed comments on whether this is the same as things are right now or if it’s not…

Just read that EA is not going to implement any restrictions: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/413126/peter-moore-ea-did-not-lobby-for-used-games-drm/

“As the guy who is the chief operating officer of Electronic Arts I can tell you that EA did not aggressively lobby for the platform holders to put some gating function in there to allow or disallow used games,” Moore told Polygon at E3.

“I am on the record as being a proponent of used games. I like the ecosystem.”


It will be like PS3 confirmed that is you can share game for single player, sell and get used game , BUT multiplayer component will be pass or single user oriented.
Like current gen.

Edit:Just to be more clear, the PS4 system isnt designed to support checking connection per 24 hrs and sharing of used games, the most problematic things , but Xbone is designed to check in for connectivity and used game in hardware from the sounds of it.

However plot thickens ,


So Xbone has already decided and done with this 24 hr thingy

He also has a suggestion on what to do if your internet is down for 24+ hours.

Phil Harrison:
In those few occasions you don’t have access to your usual broadband connection, you could tether your Xbox to your mobile phone. The 24-hour ping takes kilobytes of data.



Lastguardian Update

This is why i love Sony, Yoshida interview

There had been reports today that The Last Guardian had been shelved, and then that it hadn’t again. Will we ever play it?

It’s alive and kicking in terms of development. If you visit Japan Studio there are lots of people working on it. But as Ueda-San shared with people a couple of months ago, we really want to be confident next time when we introduce The Last Guardian to the public, so we are waiting for that time to come.

It’s been in development for a very long time. Are there any lessons you can learn so that this sort of situation doesn’t happen again?

Game development is not easy at all. The Last Guardian looks to be an extreme case but actually I don’t think that’s the case. What’s extreme is the vision of Ueda-San and the team, which is extremely interesting for all of us including myself, consumers and media people. So that kind of keeps us going, even when they hit really difficult technical issues. If it were another project we might have just finished in the middle.


Total Posts: 932

Joined 2004-03-23


A little bit of info on the new Mirror’s Edge (and I refrain from “Mirror’s Edge 2” for a reason):
Mainly, the news there is that it is open world.

According to a couple Finnish sites, in addition to a being open world, it has
- “more emphasis on action adventure” (whatever that means, because it might mean more action or more adventure (I’m hoping for the latter))
- “(also) tells about Faith’s backgrounds”
and, most importantly (sort of):
- “it’s the game that DICE wanted to make of the original game, so it’s a new try” - and there’s the reason I refrained from adding “2” there, because that could very well be understood that it’s a sort of re-imagining of the first game. Might not, but also might as well. According to one site, EA just calls it Mirror’s Edge, not Mirror’s Edge 2.


Unrelated to this, I hope they don’t change Faith’s appearance much (not that you see much of her during the game, of course). She had a great (pardon the pun) edginess in her appearance that made her stand out in a very positive way from the typical video game female (or character overall, male or female). For example in this picture her features are already in my opinion a bit too softened (lacking that overbite and the cheekbones, though still better than usual Wink) when compared to for example the cover art of the original. Nothing major, but I just like that for once there’s a character who doesn’t have “perfectly formed” features (seriously, look at game characters, how many with something like overbite (or other such “imperfection”) do you see?) - because in real life very few people are really so “regular”.

But, anyway, rant over. Yay for new Mirror’s Edge! And yay for open world! Smile

(Edit2): Finally I found a lengthier article about this… I’m not quite sure what to think though:

EA Games Label boss Patrick Söderlund, who gave the game the go-ahead, declined to go into specifics about the gameplay we’ll see in the new Mirror’s Edge in an interview with Eurogamer, but did encourage fans to get excited.

“I can tell you one thing,” he said. “It’s a very different Mirror’s Edge experience than the first game.

“Obviously as you saw in the trailer there are some things that will clearly remain the same. We’re not going to break what the game was good at. But in general, though, there are some changes, which are for the better I think.”

Speaking of the trailer, some have expressed concern that it suggests the new Mirror’s Edge will be more action-orientated than the first game, which focused more on escaping enemies than it did killing them.

Söderlund promised developer DICE won’t turn Mirror’s Edge into a shooter, but did confirm that Faith will be a more powerful character than she was in the first game.“The first game was a lot about running away from things,” he said. “And, even though you want to have sections with that, you also want Faith… she’s a powerful character and you want her to take control. You’ll see a little bit more of that in this game.

Hmmm… Well, I’m not sure if this is good or bad, so I guess I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.


(Edit1): Oh, interesting feature for the XOne - the Xbox One Smart Match (no, it’s not a dating app Tongue). A sort of a background process that you can tell that you want to play game X’s multiplayer (and you can define more parameters too, like certain DLC, certain mode, etc.) and then you can start doing something else, while the Smart Match works in the background - then, when it finds someone (or enough people) to play with it lets you know and suggests that you start the game. And it has a reputation meter too, that you don’t have to play with a-holes Wink Though, that type of system can have its risks too…

I mean, should be extremely useful for games that aren’t so popular - where in the multiplayer lobby there aren’t necessarily so many players, so you don’t want to hang around in there just doing nothing. This way you can do something else for as long as it takes to find others interested in the game (who also don’t hang around in the lobby).
Like they said in here:

We all have better things to do than wait for people to show up to play a game. It would be great if I could start up the flight sim game, see if anyone is online to play, put in my play request and then switch to something else while I wait for people to show up. That is what Smart Match on Xbox One allows people to do.

Also good point:

You will be able to launch a popular shooter or sports title and see the “typical wait time” for different online game modes. For example, imagine a match area for a quick match] that might have a wait time of 1 minute, and then another match area in the title for “match by downloadable content (DLC)” with typical wait time of 7 minutes. Chances are you’d never wait in a game for 7 minutes to play online, you’d just make do with “quick match” and lowest common denominator DLC.

Not so useful to me personally (don’t really play much multiplayer), but certainly a very handy tool for a lot of people, I’m sure. So kudos for this Smile


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