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Text Adventure Playthrough #9: Slouching Towards Bedlam


Total Posts: 421

Joined 2007-08-13


Alright, let’s get the card and come back:

>n, n
>enter cab
>take me home
>open door
>get trade card
>close door
>enter cab
>take me to fleet street
>s, s
>show trade card to Du Monde


>x pin
>x manual


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18



1428 Fleet Street
Set off to one side of the Market, this area is reserved for a myriad variety specialist shops - uniform clothiers, engine-programmers, fortune-tellers. The largest, set on the south side of the street, is decorated with a gaudy sign which reads “Du Monde’s - Mechanist of Repute Since 1803.”  Along the same building - to the southeast - lies a small door which reads, simply, “1428.”

Triage silently rolls to a stop.

Smithfield Market
While this is merely the outskirts of the Market, its presence still threatens to overwhelm the senses—the smell of an abattoir, the din of a thousand voices shouting, the sight of masses of humanity talking, shopping, selling.

The only quiet in the din lies southward, towards Fleet Street.

A hansom cab sits here with a tired old horse hitched to the front and its driver waiting patiently.

Triage obediently appears.

>enter cab

Faced with the task of climbing into the cab, Triage is more than up to the challenge. Raising and extending first two wheels and then the others, it clambers inside beside.

>take me home
The trip feels none too comfortable, but at least the cab’s interior gives some insulation against the tumult of London. Before long, the cab slows and the driver announces the reached destination…

Outside Flat 2D (in the hansom cab)
This small, empty road lies at the base of a small hill. It is lined with thin buildings, many advertising “Flats to Let” in their windows. The one directly north contains a door labeled 2D.

To the west is the massive stone edifice that is Newgate Gaol. A gallows prepared for tomorrow’s public execution, towers over the street.

Triage rests obediently nearby.


Triage gracefully climbs out of the cab beside.

>open door
You open the door to Flat 2D.


Flat 2D
Despite being small and cluttered with bits and pieces of electronics, this one room flat gives the impression of being quite clean and hygienic; no dust or dirt lurk in its bright corners. The east wall holds a mirror, and is neatly lined with evenly spaced picture frames. A large table, clearly a workshop space, takes up the west wall beneath an arched window.

A shadow stretches lazily from the window across the floor.

The flat’s single exit lies to the south.

Triage trundles patiently along beside.

>get trade card


Outside Flat 2D
This small, empty road lies at the base of a small hill. It is lined with thin buildings, many advertising “Flats to Let” in their windows. The one directly north contains a door labeled 2D.

To the west is the massive stone edifice that is Newgate Gaol. A gallows prepared for tomorrow’s public execution, towers over the street.

A hansom cab sits here with a tired old horse hitched to the front and its driver waiting patiently.

Triage obediently appears.

>close door
The door to Flat 2D closes.


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>enter cab

Faced with the task of climbing into the cab, Triage is more than up to the challenge. Raising and extending first two wheels and then the others, it clambers inside beside.

>take me to fleet street
The trip feels none too comfortable, but at least the cab’s interior gives some insulation against the tumult of London. Before long, the cab slows and the driver announces the reached destination…

Smithfield Market (in the hansom cab)
While this is merely the outskirts of the Market, its presence still threatens to overwhelm the senses—the smell of an abattoir, the din of a thousand voices shouting, the sight of masses of humanity talking, shopping, selling.

The only quiet in the din lies southward, towards Fleet Street.

Triage rests obediently nearby.


Triage gracefully climbs out of the cab beside.


1428 Fleet Street
Set off to one side of the Market, this area is reserved for a myriad variety specialist shops - uniform clothiers, engine-programmers, fortune-tellers. The largest, set on the south side of the street, is decorated with a gaudy sign which reads “Du Monde’s - Mechanist of Repute Since 1803.”  Along the same building - to the southeast - lies a small door which reads, simply, “1428.”

Triage silently rolls to a stop.

Du Monde’s
The shop is dark, and crowded with haphazardly stacked, yet neatly organized piles of machinery. To the south, there is a worn wooden counter, cracked with age and covered with innumerable nicks, scratches, and dark burn marks.  Behind the counter are rows and rows of drawers, labeled in some arcane script. The faint scent of gas clings to the walls.

The shop’s show window and door look out on Fleet Street to the north. A second door lies behind the counter to the east.

A woman leans over the counter, working on something with intense concentration.

Triage trundles patiently along beside.

>show trade card to du monde
Du Monde takes the card and fumbles in her pocket for her monocle. Eyepiece in place, she scrutinizes it. Her face relaxes into an open smile. “Sorry I didn’t recognize you, sir. I do a good trade here, lots of folks in and out. And I have no memory for faces. Just a moment.”

She fiddles under the counter, her movement bringing about the clang and bang of metal on metal.

“Here it, is sir. Should fix your reception problems straight away.” She places a small module on the counter then sets back to work.

>x pin
A circular pin, depicting a tree with ten branches. Each branch, and the leaves which hang from them, are made up not of lines, but a series of 1s and 0s.

She notices your interest in the pin, and her fingers fondle it protectively. For just a moment her eyes reflect something - fear? anger? - and her face reddens deeply; then her countenance dissolves into a charming embarrassment, complete with a slight blush.

“My nephew gave it to me. Found it on the street most likely. I put it on to please him, and forget it was even here. How silly of me.”

She deftly removes the pin and drops it in her pocket.

“Now what can I assist you with?”

Du Monde clucks her tongue impatiently.


(“x manual” just displays the manual in our inventory)


Total Posts: 421

Joined 2007-08-13


>get module
>x module
>x second door
>point at second door


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>get module

Du Monde clucks her tongue impatiently.

>x module
A small black module that easily fits in the hand. On one side, its smooth surface reads “Cooke Aetheric Amplifier Module,” on the other, only two small pins are visible.

>x second door
You can’t see any such thing.

>x door
A plain, nondescript door leading east.

>point at door
The machine analyzes the side door before replying…




Total Posts: 421

Joined 2007-08-13


>ask about door
>ask about triage

I got the impression that further analysis was possible by doing this again:

>point at du monde


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>ask du monde about door
“I don’t feel as though I’m qualified to answer that question.”

>ask du monde about triage
She gives Triage a professional glance. “The Mark III - a nice model.”

“It’s fairly intuitive, really. Turn it on, and then point at whatever object you have a question about. It has a fairly comprehensive amount of data on common items. And of course the user can enter personal data.”

She lowers her voice to a loud whisper. “Between you and me, sir, I find its ‘ability’ to analyze data a bit sketchy. After all, it’s not omniscient, is it?  It only knows what it’s told.”

“You need an additional piece for data entry. Ivory, I think it is. Just a moment.”

She searches behind the counter, then opens a few of the drawers.

“Sorry sir,” she says, returning. “We seem to be out of stock. Come back in a few weeks. I’ll be able to fix you right up then.”

“Can’t be of any help to you, sir - least not until the shipments come in.”

Du Monde opens a drawer and pulls out a tool.

>point at du monde
Triage’s emerald searches Ms. Du Monde, then…


Du Monde’s throat tightens slightly. “How clever,” she whispers.

Du Monde stares out the window for a long moment.



Total Posts: 421

Joined 2007-08-13


Maybe we’ll need an ivory piece then. I have no idea what kind of personal data we would enter though.

Let’s try to enter that room in a few ways:

>open door




>open door

If none of those are fruitful:

>n, n
>enter cab
>take me home
>open door
>put module in socket
>close panel
>press switch

I realize we still need a power source.

>x shadow


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>open door
“That leads to my storerooms, or to the flat - neither of which I believe should be of any interest to you…”

Du Monde distractedly chews at a loose piece of her dangling hair.

(first opening the side door)
“That leads to my storerooms, or to the flat - neither of which I believe should be of any interest to you…”


1428 Fleet Street
Set off to one side of the Market, this area is reserved for a myriad variety specialist shops - uniform clothiers, engine-programmers, fortune-tellers. The largest, set on the south side of the street, is decorated with a gaudy sign which reads “Du Monde’s - Mechanist of Repute Since 1803.”  Along the same building - to the southeast - lies a small door which reads, simply, “1428.”

Triage obediently appears.

>open door
You can’t see any such thing.


Side Corridor
This narrow, dusty corridor runs parallel to the shop beside it and contains nothing more than a rickety staircase leading up and down and a small door leading west.

Triage trundles patiently along beside.

>open door
It seems to be locked.


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


I think it can be said that wasn’t fruitful, so… onward


1428 Fleet Street
Set off to one side of the Market, this area is reserved for a myriad variety specialist shops - uniform clothiers, engine-programmers, fortune-tellers. The largest, set on the south side of the street, is decorated with a gaudy sign which reads “Du Monde’s - Mechanist of Repute Since 1803.”  Along the same building - to the southeast - lies a small door which reads, simply, “1428.”

Triage silently rolls to a stop.


Smithfield Market
While this is merely the outskirts of the Market, its presence still threatens to overwhelm the senses—the smell of an abattoir, the din of a thousand voices shouting, the sight of masses of humanity talking, shopping, selling.

The only quiet in the din lies southward, towards Fleet Street.

A hansom cab sits here with a tired old horse hitched to the front and its driver waiting patiently.

Triage obediently appears.


Smithfield is a riot of sensation - claustrophobic and…cold?


The place is a whirlwind - too much motion too much thought and voices and words…


The cold is out there - freezing will and body both. Better to say here, in the quiet and the warmth. Yes. Better to stay.


>enter cab

Faced with the task of climbing into the cab, Triage is more than up to the challenge. Raising and extending first two wheels and then the others, it clambers inside beside.

>take me home
The trip feels none too comfortable, but at least the cab’s interior gives some insulation against the tumult of London. Before long, the cab slows and the driver announces the reached destination…

Outside Flat 2D (in the hansom cab)
This small, empty road lies at the base of a small hill. It is lined with thin buildings, many advertising “Flats to Let” in their windows. The one directly north contains a door labeled 2D.

To the west is the massive stone edifice that is Newgate Gaol. A gallows prepared for tomorrow’s public execution, towers over the street.

Triage rests obediently nearby.


Triage gracefully climbs out of the cab beside.

>open door
You open the door to Flat 2D.


Flat 2D
Despite being small and cluttered with bits and pieces of electronics, this one room flat gives the impression of being quite clean and hygienic; no dust or dirt lurk in its bright corners. The east wall holds a mirror, and is neatly lined with evenly spaced picture frames. A large table, clearly a workshop space, takes up the west wall beneath an arched window.

A shadow stretches lazily from the window across the floor.

The flat’s single exit lies to the south.

Triage trundles patiently along beside.

>put module in socket
You can’t see any such thing.

>x shadow
The elongated shadow of Newgate’s noose crawls slowly across the wood floor.

The sound of static continues. Faint voices are sometime audible.



Total Posts: 421

Joined 2007-08-13


We’ll have to remember to go back to the Side Corridor, to check out possibly both the storerooms and flat.

Luhr28 - 09 April 2021 07:33 AM

The elongated shadow of Newgate’s noose crawls slowly across the wood floor.


Luhr28 - 09 April 2021 07:33 AM

The sound of static continues. Faint voices are sometime audible.

I must have missed the first description of the static. I thought we failed to turn it on because we didn’t have any power source, but it sounds like the machine is actually on.

In case the panel is closed:
>open panel

One of these should work:
>put module in panel
>put module in slot
>put module in holes


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>open panel
The expansion slot panel opens, revealing a small, empty socket containing two vertical holes.

>put module in panel
The Aetheric Amplifier nestles perfectly into the open slot.



Total Posts: 421

Joined 2007-08-13


Is this how it works?

>transmit calling cq


Total Posts: 1353

Joined 2017-09-18


>transmit calling cq
That’s not a verb I recognise.


I think you have to get the machine working first, then speak those words into it


Total Posts: 421

Joined 2007-08-13


I assumed the static was an indication of that it was powered.

Sorry about all this:

>close door
>enter cab
>take me to fleet street
>s, se, d

And if we can’t go down:



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