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Old 03-30-2005, 11:56 PM   #181
Hopeful skeptic
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Originally Posted by Duncan
Me too. But isn't that not so much what the design of the game is about, and more the fact that both you and I have our gaming backgrounds mostly in adventure games* and/or know what we want to get out of a shooter or an RPG?
Umm, I don't think so. Or at least not to the point that it invalidates the argument. I think the fact that those stories are there suggests that it's understood most gamers will appreciate it. It's no coincidence that narrative focus is increasing across pretty much all genres. If anything, it just further emphasizes that games are designed to appeal to a range of gamers with diverse tastes, which is why no ONE criterion will define any genre. (If it did, it would be a very narrow group of gamers who enjoyed it.)

If this made NO sense at all, see lateness excuse from earlier.
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