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Old 01-23-2005, 12:26 PM   #32
Ale! And keep 'em coming!
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Originally Posted by Jake
A couple of cancelled Lucas adventures, care of the extremely diligent people who run the Mixnmojo games database...

There wasn't just a Loom sequel in the works, Loom was supposed to be a trilogy. Back in the early, post-Monkey Island-1990's, Mike Stemmle and Sean Clark were starting work on Forge, the first sequel, centered around Rusty Nailbender, one of the blacksmith guild guys you meet in the first game. Stemmle and Clark stopped working on that project though, when the opportunity to be project leads on Sam & Max Hit the Road came up. There was a third Loom game, The Fold, which focused on one of the shepheards you encountered. I don't think it ever got off of the first couple of pitch sheets for Loom, but it was planned.


Reading this made me sad. I had never actually read the summaries of the two sequel (I had heard it was a going to be a triology, but I wasn't sure.).

It also made me think of a personal idea of what heaven could be like:

You see, heaven for me would be pretty close to my real life. All the people that I love are there, and of course, I would have all my favourite adventures. The bad things would not be there, if I didn't want them. And the starry sky would always be visible at night.
And there's another thing, which I just realized: All the great games, that never were - Forge, The Fold, Atma - All of them would be there. They would be there, in the form that they would have existed in our world, if they had ever been. They would have been successes, in the form that they are in heaven.

This is my idea of heaven.

Also, I am watching the first Indiana Jones movie on TV, while writing this. I have not seen it for years, and barely remember it. But I still love the movie, and it nearly makes me cry to see that there could have been more games - I was totally oblivious to that, until now.


P.S.: No, I'm not very religious. I am not even christened.
- "esc(x) cot(x) dx = -csc(x)!" Dennis added, and the wizard's robe caught on fire. "Gosh," Dennis said, "and some people say higher math isn't relevant."

>>>Inventor of the Mail order-Assassin<<<

And *This* a Black Hole - BYE!
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