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HighlanderGirl 08-14-2008 04:04 AM

The Sacred Rings... HELP *cries* bangs head against wall

OK... been playing for a bit and have gone through to this point twice now and still have the same issue (yes I started a new game) . I saw other posts where it looked like someone had figured it out but I am stuck... I would appreciate any help or advice.

I have completed all the steps and know I have not missed any due to several walkthroughs I have checked, however I have 4 of the 5 crystals lit up but no power to the bridge. I try to pull the level and get the "I must have missed something" message. I go to the steering wheel where the symbols are and I do NOT have any "active" curser to allow me to click on it if I wanted to.. I also have the wedge handle in the correct position as well...WHAT on earth have I missed... It's 5 am and I really must sleep so I am hoping someone can put me out of my misery..

here is a screenie of my helm in case this helps.

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