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Melanie68 03-19-2006 04:22 PM

Psychonauts - The bear..
I've been through Basic Braining and I've been running, jumping and climbing everything in camp and punching everything in sight (wheeeeeeeee!! :) ) and collecting arrowheads and Psi cards.

I've now come across the bear and I have no clue as to how to get past him. I was down to half a brain in health (thank God I found ways to bring that back up) when I finally got away from him.

Any hints?

Thanks :) :)

artwking4 03-19-2006 05:19 PM

You probably have to wait until you gain more psi abilities that you can use against the bear. However just because you defeat it doesn't mean it won't be back when Raz leaves and re-enters.

avatar_58 03-19-2006 05:54 PM

Yeah, just avoid the bear for now. Once you get levitate you can basically fly by him anyway. :D

Melanie68 03-20-2006 08:23 AM

Thanks guys! :)

Melanie68 03-20-2006 08:58 AM

I'm going to appeal again for help:

I'm in Sasha's shooting gallery and I've gotten most of the figments (except for one on a block far away) and the tags and punched the trunk. I Psi blasted the censor maker thingy once and another came out. I can't get to it. Those censors just keep coming at me. Is there any strategy to getting to the next censor maker (I think I know where it is.).

Thanks again. :)

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