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EasilyConfused 01-13-2005 09:56 AM

Games in the Blogosphere
Still thinking about my currrent gaming obsession about different ways to approach puzzling, I remembered an article that Clive Thompson had written about the Cranium games in the New York Times Magazine sometime in November or December. (Thompson, some of you may recall, was the Slate writer who reviewed _JFK Reloaded_, a game that provided hours of fun for me and mag in the form of an endless thread debate.)

Turns out Thompson has a great blog, all about games, technology, politics, and a variety of other random stuff. Not that you could *possibly* ever be bored with the content here, but if you want to know what the latest research says about how people perceive the virtual world, or hear what the newest gaming idea is, or find an application to help you make a virtual snowflake, or learn out what kind of jigsaw puzzler you are (turns out I'm a "border obsessive" (??)) . . . Clive's your guy.

He also has an adorable story right now about an orphan baby hippo that has adopted a turtle as its mother. I kid you not:

You can find his blog here. Check it out.

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