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SoccerDude28 01-10-2005 05:43 PM

Do you play on a conole or PC?
Just curious what people here own and play.

Wormsie 01-10-2005 05:44 PM

Was this supposed to be a poll? Nothing seeing...

EDIT: Ah, you were just creating it... :D

SoccerDude28 01-10-2005 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by deadworm222
Was this supposed to be a poll? Nothing seeing...

EDIT: Ah, you were just creating it... :D

hehehe you'r getting off topic :devil: :)

EasilyConfused 01-10-2005 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by SoccerDude28
hehehe you'r getting off topic :devil: :)

(So tempted to go off topic . . . WAIT, it is NOT off topic to point out that you misspelled "console" in the topic line! If I did not point this out, the thread could be totally misconstrued by an innocent AG newbie! :) )

On topic: I play on my PC. I have enough electronics in the house, thank you, between my computer, printer, MP3 player, various old walkmen/people/walkCDplayers, my DVD player, my TV/VCR, my cordless phone my dad gave me two years ago that died immediately, the $20 phone from 10 years ago that still works, the cordless phone my dad gave me for Xmas this year that is too complicated to work, the answering machine, the old computer, the old printer (both in storage, or did I throw the old printer out? Anyone want an old, crappy HP printer?), let's not forget the stereo, three lamps (one broken), and a toaster oven. To buy an Xbox, however inexpensive, to do things I can more or less do to my satisfaction seems like overkill. (This does not however work when trying to persuade myself not to buy more lipstick. Off topic. :pan: ) BUT, recent threads about console games have been making me wonder about this: what are the advantages? (Or perhaps I will just reread the other thread.)

Also, I just discovered my near and dear friends and neighbors own an Xbox (I fed their cat over New Year's.) I have the keys to their house. What game should I illegally play on their premises first? :devil:

remixor 01-10-2005 07:55 PM

I have a PC and all three consoles.

To EasilyConfused: there are many advantages to both PC and consoles. One of the most obvious ones in regard to consoles is cost and convenience. For a couple hundred bucks, you can get a bare-bones PC that will do word processing and Internet, but not play any remotely current games. To get a good gaming PC (and by "good", I mean one that will last some time, not with a lowest-end video card and so forth), you have to spend several times that price. Plus, with a PC you are pretty much guaranteed to run into more problems at some point, such as driver conflicts, games that have problems with certain hardware, and the like. I was really dismayed when I got my brand-new computer (the first "good" PC I've had since about 1993) and even that had an annoying graphical glitch with Half-Life 2 that I am still unable to resolve.

Anyway, I would most definitely not consider either to be superior. I am a PC gamer by heritage but the expense and frustration of being a PC gamer has led me to consoles in the last few years and it's been a good experience. I am certainly not a PC elitist. Now I'm pretty much half and half and I can see benefits to each.

Fairygdmther 01-10-2005 08:01 PM

While I predominantly play on the PC, I do own an Xbox and PS2. I've played maybe 6 games on the Xbox and only two on the PS2 - ICO and Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.

There are several advantages to the consoles:
1. ease of use - pop the disc in and play
2. controls are fairly consistent with the buttons in easy to use locations on the game pads
3. ability to rent games from Blockbuster, etc., and purchased games can be traded in for others
4. using a TV monitor means larger viewing screen to play with
5. provides a DVD player for movies
6. ability to multiplay games with others

1. Few adv games are ported to the consoles
2. no keyboard access without buying an accessory one
3. can tie up the main TV when others may want to use it
4. can take time to get used to using the control pads, if you're used to point and click games
5. consoles break fairly easily - all kinds have had problems associated with them
6. you have to choose which console you want by the games that are released for it as all of them have games for that particular console alone


remixor 01-10-2005 08:02 PM

And there we go, advantages and disadvantages, and I didn't even have to type them. :)

tabacco 01-10-2005 08:04 PM

Another advantage to consoles is that living room furniture is traditionally more comfortable than computer furniture :)

EasilyConfused 01-10-2005 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by tabacco
Another advantage to consoles is that living room furniture is traditionally more comfortable than computer furniture :)

That could also be a disadvantage! ;) I can barely drag myself away from the uncomfortable folding desk chair I have, what if I were comfy too????

Bastich 01-10-2005 09:50 PM

PC mostly for me.

A big disadvantage of consoles to me is that all televisions, even a high-end 57" HDTV look like utter crap compared to a good 22" monitor. The picture isn't even remotely comparable. That is why the Dreamcast was my favorite recent console. It had a VGA adapter. I basically ignored my PS2 because it didn't have one.

I am VERY picky about display devices though. I still can't figure out how anyone can play a game on an LCD monitor. They are truly terrible...

remixor 01-11-2005 12:46 AM

I actually use my Xbox with my CRT monitor. There's a device called the X2VGA that does a very high-quality VGA conversion. It's great for Xbox games which support high resolutions.

Kolzig 01-11-2005 02:56 AM

Where's the Dreamcast option? :o
I won't vote.

Kolorabi 01-11-2005 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kolzig
Where's the Dreamcast option? :o
I won't vote.

Judging from your sig, you play most of your games on the PC anyway :)

mag 01-11-2005 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by EasilyConfused
BUT, recent threads about console games have been making me wonder about this: what are the advantages? (Or perhaps I will just reread the other thread.)

In my mind, the two biggest advantages of owning a console are the following: Konami and Square-Enix.


stepurhan 01-11-2005 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by deadworm222
Was this supposed to be a poll? Nothing seeing...

EDIT: Ah, you were just creating it... :D

Wow, off-topic on the second post. Is this a new record? :P Someone would have to have forgotten what they were talking about in their opening post to beat it.

I only use PC for gaming now but, if I felt like sitting in front of the TV, I can always bring my commodore 64 or Amiga down from the attic. We've also got an Oric with "MASSIVE 48k memory" (according to the box) but that isn't really much of a games machine.

BoyToy 01-11-2005 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by EasilyConfused
Also, I just discovered my near and dear friends and neighbors own an Xbox (I fed their cat over New Year's.) I have the keys to their house. What game should I illegally play on their premises first? :devil:

"Myst III: Exile", if you haven't been playing it on PC already?
But don't forget to write "THANX" with lipstick on the TV screen after you're finished! :P

VoodooFX 01-11-2005 08:59 AM

PC all the way, most versatile tin can of them all.

pinkgothic 01-11-2005 09:53 AM

Xbox, PS2 and PC. Why settle for one if you can have them all? (Well... almost... :P)

Kolorabi 01-11-2005 11:49 AM

PC and PS2, though I prefer the PC. Most of the reasons have allready been mentioned by others. I also, out of principle, prefer the PC because it is (still) an open platform, unlike the major consoles.

Lucien21 01-11-2005 12:23 PM

Rumour has it that the Microsoft are developing and X-box 2/PC hybrid machine that would play both and have a keyboard etc.

Currently own an X-box, Gamecube and PC, but play the PC more these days and tend to just have short bursts on the console.

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