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Terramax 02-03-2010 01:38 PM

Venetica - Anyone from Germany Played?

Whilst browsing Deck 13's website I came across one of their latest games, the RPG Venetica.

Personally, I'm a tad tired of having to choose between either Japanese or US RPGs (ignoring Fable) so this one from Germany (I think) looks like a breath of fresh air.

I was wondering if anyone in Germany (where it's already been released) can tell me how it's been received by the public?

Visually, the game's semi-cartoon look reminds me a lot of Dreamfall. The fact that it's an RPG from a team with an adventure game background makes me wonder if they've taken any pages out of that said genre?

Is it worth getting excited about?

kuze 02-04-2010 10:15 AM

Well-received by the critics, not not much hyped otherwise. I played some of it, hated the animations, the overall graphics and the performance. Other than that, it was nothing new or exciting that made it worth for me to continue playing, just your average RPG.

Terramax 02-05-2010 04:25 AM

Darn, that's a shame. It looks like a pretty good concept. Not 100% original, but a tad different from the usual male hero. I thought some of the visuals on the videos I saw looked wonderful.

rayvio 08-07-2010 09:34 AM

worth noting that the game is available in Belgium now and includes full english translation. it's not up to the standards of Dragon Age for example, but it's still a pretty fun game and the story's interesting so far

aries323 08-07-2010 11:28 AM

I've played the demo in German. And I found the game to be a bit refreshing. And I think I also noticed a puzzle or two in one or two of the quests. I know there's a German demo out, but maybe there's also an English demo out, so you can try the game for yourself?

rayvio 08-08-2010 02:50 AM

so far I've only run into very easy "find clues to figure out the combination to push things in to open a door" puzzles, but I'm not very far into the game yet. unfortunately RPGs, especially the more casual (as opposed to the ones with pages and pages of statistics to tweak every time you create a character and level up) tend to shy away from all but the very easiest of puzzles

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