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tranggie14 02-12-2008 03:20 PM

Guitar Hero / Rock Band
I was listening to the radio this morning, and they talked about how people who play the guitar are generally pretty bad at the game. haha!

Squinky 02-13-2008 09:17 PM

I'm okay at both, actually.

el_galo 02-15-2008 06:08 AM

I just read that activision announced a new guitar hero sequel called "guitar hero: aerosmith".
strange choice, i think. okay, aerosmith had a few decent songs. but releasing a sequel solely with aerosmith songs seems a bit exaggerated.
aerosmith fans should be happy, though.

Dark Veil 02-15-2008 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by el_galo (Post 459605)
I just read that activision announced a new guitar hero sequel called "guitar hero: aerosmith".
strange choice, i think. okay, aerosmith had a few decent songs. but releasing a sequel solely with aerosmith songs seems a bit exaggerated.
aerosmith fans should be happy, though.

The question is: Will it come packaged with "Revolution X" HD?

On topic: My experience in playing GH with other musicians is that drummers can beat everyone hands down and that bass players are better at it than guitar players. It all comes down to rhythm and most guitarists that I know love showing off to much (even in GH).

I have to add that everyone I've played with was a gamer and that they definitely weren't bad at GH. Maybe they meant people who play guitar but don't usually play games.

By the way, I always strum upwards when playing GH when most people strum downwards. What about you guys?

Squinky 02-15-2008 09:05 AM

Ah, I also play bass. That explains it.

Also, I strum downwards, and sometimes upwards on the offbeats.

Owskie 02-15-2008 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Dark Veil (Post 459608)
The question is: Will it come packaged with "Revolution X" HD?

On topic: My experience in playing GH with other musicians is that drummers can beat everyone hands down and that bass players are better at it than guitar players. It all comes down to rhythm and most guitarists that I know love showing off to much (even in GH).

I have to add that everyone I've played with was a gamer and that they definitely weren't bad at GH. Maybe they meant people who play guitar but don't usually play games.

By the way, I always strum upwards when playing GH when most people strum downwards. What about you guys?

actually, no offense to anyone, but most people who play on expert alt strum... but before i started alt strumming i used to strum down.

Squinky 02-15-2008 11:27 AM

That's what I meant, in a sense. (I play on Hard at the moment, but it does already have very fast bits.)

Dark Veil 02-15-2008 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Owskie (Post 459637)
actually, no offense to anyone, but most people who play on expert alt strum... but before i started alt strumming i used to strum down.

No offence taken. I've tried alt strumming (when playing expert) but I always end up upstrumming in the end.
It just feels more natural to me. Probably because in real life I only play bass.
Luckily for me, I'm not someone who plays GH religiously, and prefer to just have fun playing with friends.
Then on hard I can get by without altstrumming (I'm not that good but I don't care, it's still fun)

Owskie 02-15-2008 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Veil (Post 459651)
No offence taken. I've tried alt strumming (when playing expert) but I always end up upstrumming in the end.
It just feels more natural to me. Probably because in real life I only play bass.
Luckily for me, I'm not someone who plays GH religiously, and prefer to just have fun playing with friends.
Then on hard I can get by without altstrumming (I'm not that good but I don't care, it's still fun)

gh3 was my first gh game, and i was all downstrumming... but after awhile i had to alt strum, not only to not strain out my arm as much ( i shake really bad after playing for some reason) but some parts you absolutley need to downstrum - i eventually got religious with it, and ive 5 starred almost everything and the only song i have left to beat is slayer on expert, i honestly dont know if its going to happen...

Dale Baldwin 02-15-2008 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Owskie (Post 459666)
ive 5 starred almost everything and the only song i have left to beat is slayer on expert, i honestly dont know if its going to happen...

That song took me nearly 2 months to get past on expert. I've never attempted it again since.

I'm not sure what to think about Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. The variety of bands included in the previous games were a factor in my interest for it. Not to say there won't be a variety of bands in the new game, but there won't be as many as in GH3.

Owskie 02-15-2008 02:44 PM

i may get it when its cheap enough....

and how the heck did you get past mosh 1 on expert, ive practiced and practiced and practiced, and its just not happening, yet i can get through slayer completley on hard without star power..

Dale Baldwin 02-15-2008 04:14 PM

Perserverance. I ignored the green notes, and alt-strummed with a medium rhythm throughout the pull-offs. Bit hard to explain a speed of strum in words though. After two sets of the chords in mosh 1, I'd then launch star power, get as much back into the green on the rock meter as possible, and eventually got out the other side. It's far from easy though, whatever some people say about it.

As long as you're prepared for the rapid strumming towards the end, you'll pass it if you can survive Mosh 1.

Owskie 02-15-2008 05:50 PM

i havent played in awhile due to the shaking i get after playing... but, ive watched some youtube videos of the song, and i can definatley beat it after mosh 1...

but i ive never gotten past 34% on mosh 1, cant even stay above with star power. :-(

RLacey 02-16-2008 11:54 AM

I love the way that this thread makes almost no sense to the three of us left in this world who have never played Guitar Hero :P.

I really should, one day. And now that there's a PC version of GH3 (albeit badly ported, but all accounts), I might actually manage to.

Squinky 02-16-2008 03:48 PM

Yeah, I only started playing because GH3 had a Wii version. I know it's the worst in the series so far, but *shrugs*.

benhubbard 02-16-2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by RLacey (Post 459778)
I love the way that this thread makes almost no sense to the three of us left in this world who have never played Guitar Hero :P.

I really should, one day. And now that there's a PC version of GH3 (albeit badly ported, but all accounts), I might actually manage to.

I think if your computer is beefy enough you shouldn't have much trouble with GH3 on PC. I have an x1900xtx GFX card and it runs pretty smooth.

I had to patch it to get it to install on xp64 though. They could have said "Operating system unsupported use at your own risk" but no, it refused to install at all. Of course once you manage to install it it runs perfectly... :shifty:

Aanyway GH is fun :)

Lee in Limbo 02-16-2008 07:43 PM

Rob, if you weren't counting me, you'd better make that four of us. The worst part is, I've been playing guitar (badly) for years, and I have no idea what people mean by alt strumming. I'm not sure my old guitar magazines ever called it by that name.

Owskie 02-17-2008 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Squinky (Post 459786)
Yeah, I only started playing because GH3 had a Wii version. I know it's the worst in the series so far, but *shrugs*.

i disagree, i find gh3 in comparison to gh2 and rock band to be much better..

the note charts are much more fun to play, and the timing window isnt as small and hell, i even like the song selections more...

Squinky 02-24-2008 08:58 PM

I finally got around to playing Rock Band last week or so, confirming my suspicion that I would indeed like it better. There isn't as big of a difficulty jump between Medium and Hard as I found there was in GH3, the female characters look slightly less slutty (I could customize one to, you know, actually look like me, whereas in GH3, I mainly played as the Elvis lookalike), and there was far less of that annoying tendency to taunt the player when they weren't doing so well.

As for song selections, while I really liked "Black Magic Woman" and "Cliffs of Dover" in GH3, I also did have a lot of fun with "Enter Sandman" in Rock Band. It's a tough call...

Nelza 04-14-2008 05:43 PM

You're all so lucky! There isn't even a release date for Rock Band in Australia yet. :\

Dale Baldwin 04-14-2008 06:02 PM

I think I'd prefer not having a release date, now that the UK has got its 360 release date and its absolutely ridiculous pricing details :shifty:.

Nelza 04-14-2008 06:28 PM

How much is it there? ;(

Dale Baldwin 04-14-2008 06:38 PM

RRP of £49.99 for the game on its own.
RRP of £129.99 for the instrument pack (1 drumkit, 1 guitar, 1 microphone), which doesn't include the game.

In total, £179.98, or US$ 356.

You can get a brand new 360 console for cheaper than that now. :rolleyes:

Nelza 04-15-2008 12:19 AM

Ouch! That most likely means that it'll be over $400 here. Yikes!!!

courderoy guy 04-22-2008 01:15 PM

I am stuck on the Tom Morello faceoff in Guitar Hero 3 on expert. If it wasn't for the boss fights in 3, it'd be my favorite of the series. As it is, it's my favorite when it comes to the user interface (easier to read for me at least). But I think GH 2 wins for song selection.

Squinky 04-22-2008 03:34 PM

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the boss fights either.

Nelza 04-29-2008 08:55 AM

I'm stuck on 'Raining Blood' and 'One' on hard. Almost getting past but just not quite.

I only just found out that 'Rock Band' is region-free so I'm buying it from eBay. :)

MdaG 05-19-2009 08:24 AM

I'm bumping this thread as I'm very low on friends to play Rock Band 2 with. Anyone else addicted to this game and who wants to play as a band?

My level:
Guitar - Hard to Expert
Bass - Hard to Expert
Drums - Medium to Hard
Vocals - Medium to Hard

My gamertag is magnus80a.

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