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Kolzig 02-12-2004 03:11 PM

Thief 3 website opened

Only ONE screenshot of those TWELVE there is from first person view, all else are 3rd person view... :(

Not looking good...

Sue me for saying "I already don't like your game" :frown:

But I guess we'll have to see when the game actually comes out.

Erkki 02-12-2004 04:05 PM

I kind of hoped it was a dream that they named it "Deadly Shadows" :) Still can't believe they did that.

Intrepid Homoludens 02-12-2004 04:40 PM

"All that is yours PC
shall soon be mine console-d..."

Crunchy in milk 02-12-2004 08:35 PM

Oh pull your thumbs out you PC fanbois, where does it say in the bible that 'if thy game is in third person it is for the benefit of the console users'...

Some of you are worse than console fanbois I swear.

Everyone clearly knows that the game is in third person because Jewish people prefer games in third person. Is this any more of an intelligent statement?

Somehow you reason games made for a person who's forked out $1500USD+ on a system that has them sitting hunched over in an office chair staring at a video screen 10 inches from their face while they clumsily navigate a keyboard and mouse interface in a darkened, smelly room : must be inherently designed for the more advanced mind. Whereas, despite evidence to the contrary (that the average console user is aged 18-25) a game that will play on a $170USD system on practically any TV and couch combination must be developed with the less intelligent/developed in mind.


Zygomaticus 02-12-2004 08:50 PM

The website is full of über-whispers :o

Intrepid Homoludens 02-12-2004 09:14 PM

You're not one of those.......console fanboys, are you, Crunchly? ;)

Kolzig 02-13-2004 12:04 AM

Here's gamespot's NEW preview, with NEW screenshots!

Deshrill 02-13-2004 12:10 AM

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to playing any of the Thief games yet, although I like that it is based more on stealth.

I really enjoy FPS games, but am not too good at a lot of them!

Given a choice between Thief 1 and Thief 2, which is better if I was going to try and get one of them?

Intrepid Homoludens 02-13-2004 12:11 AM

Left: Mmm, this is a pretty cool looking shot (*cough* as it were). Right: Um, can you say 'console'?* No? Then how about 'Splinter Cell'? :D And remember, kids, the game itself will actually be a lot darker than this. They only made it really bright for show, otherwise all you'd see are black rectangles of screenshots.

*Sorry, Crunchy, couldn't help meself.


Originally Posted by Deshrill
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to playing any of the Thief games yet, although I like that it is based more on stealth.

...Given a choice between Thief 1 and Thief 2, which is better if I was going to try and get one of them?

[Garrett's pimp] The Thief series is the first AND last word on pure stealth, Deshrill. They practically invented the stealth game, and IMO no other stealth game even comes close to its gameplay, atmosphere, and overall elegance. I've played so far only Thief: The Dark Project (Thief 1). I have Thief II: The Metal Age, but haven't touched it yet, but many reviews found it quite good. Play Thief 1 first. But be warned, you'll need a lot of patience (a lot more patience than your typical adventure gamer, too). You'll also need intelligence, cunning, and a great love of the dark (half the time you play with your ears). In fact, you'll need much more stealth skills than any of the other games you've played involving sneakiness. [/Garrett's pimp]

Kolzig 02-13-2004 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Gamespot
Deadly Shadows is powered by an enhanced version of the same proprietary game engine that Ion Storm used for Deus Ex: Invisible War, though it should have both shorter loading times and an improved frame rate over that previous game.


mycroft 02-13-2004 12:57 AM

Lies !!! All lies I tell you.

And on a related note...

Third Person = Console Game.


Third Person = Popcorn with barbeque sauce.

Intrepid Homoludens 02-13-2004 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Kolzig

Well, considering that Thief will require less 'stuff' - i.e., no RPG accroutrements, etc. - I expect it to be more fluid than DX:IW. It seems like they're using the lessons learned from one title and applying it to another.


Originally Posted by mycroft
Third Person = Popcorn with barbeque sauce.


mycroft 02-13-2004 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by The Man who hates popcorn
half the time you play with your ears

Very fitting description.

I have only played Thief II and would recommend that you play that. Don't listen to Trep. :D

By the way, my favourite level in Thief II was the Life of the Party level.

"They don't call the rooftops the Thieves' Highway for nothing..."

The entire level consisted of moving from one rooftop to the other, throughout the city. Karras is hosting a party and Garrett is the uninvited guest. With all the rich people among the guests, Garrett is like a kid in a candy store.

Crunchy in milk 02-13-2004 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
Right: Um, can you say 'console'?* No? Then how about 'Splinter Cell'? :D ... *Sorry, Crunchy, couldn't help meself.


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens

Originally Posted by megaman x c.m.
favorite game?

Splinter Cell

Quite alright old bean.

Intrepid Homoludens 02-13-2004 08:15 AM

Ha! I think you overlooked the irony in my quip. Splinter Cell is one of my favourites. The amusement is that it borrows heavily in concept and execution from Thief to infuse the console with something new, and yet Eidos Storm has now added that 3rd person view to the once exclusively PC stealthaholic series to maintain Xbox fans' interest. But, what was your point :P ?

Crunchy in milk 02-13-2004 11:15 AM

You've waxed lyrical about Splinter Cell time and time again, its clear you enjoyed it. It wasn't just the 'thief influences' and yet its a game designed for a console.

And then DX:IW is a turd and a couple of thief 3 screenshots show you behind Garret and suddenly 'console games are bad mmm kay'.

Clearly you didn't find Splinter Cell some passable Thief clone that you tolerated on your PC. So its a little funny to see blanket 'console games and their influences on pc gaming suck!' statements coming from you when its obviously not platforms causing you grief but developers who are unable to work out how to develop/port for both.

I would have thought your enjoyment of Splinter Cell would have you urging people to embrace the possibility that thief 3 might be ok, or failing that directing your hate not at consoles but at misguided developers fucking up much loved established game licenses which happens to pc only game licenses more frequently anyway.

With consoles a growing and more attractive (larger) market for game designers, perpetuating the console games are shit and will always be attitude is just asking for shitter PC titles. If DX:IW was shit because it was poorly designed for consoles, then case in point... demand more from developers rather than dismiss consoles because the latter attitude hasn't worked for PC gamers so far now has it.

Intrepid Homoludens 02-13-2004 11:31 AM Oh my. I guess I'd better lay quietly on this trifle matter when you're around. Carry on, my good man.

soltys 02-13-2004 11:47 AM

I've just read all 3 peviews (1up, gamespot, ign). Hmm, I still hold my reservations, especially after dx:iw, which was my diasppointment of the year. Still - they promise larger environments, super ai, super physics among some other things. Well... I read similar enthusiastic previews about dx:iw. I keep my hopes though, maybe it won't be bad.
Here's nice link to summary made by someone on official ION forums: click

Erkki 02-13-2004 11:51 AM

Crunchy makes a good point actually.

As for Thief 1 & 2, which is better? I can't say. I've only played about half of Thief 1. I'm still trying to buy Thief Gold somewhere (Thief 1 with 3 extra missions) but haven't found it yet. I think one day soon I'll just have to buy the regular Thief 1.
But Thief 2 was a truly amazing game.

Also, there are hundreds of fan missions available for the Thief games (most are for Thief 2 I think, but not sure) and tens of those surpass or match the quality of the original missions.

Erkki 02-13-2004 02:19 PM

Another preview at IGN: just read this one and the one at GameSpot and it sounds very good, but of course DX:IW sounded really good as well in the previews. And the original DX sounded even better than it actually was (still one of my favourites though, I just expected even more).

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