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Tanukitsune 04-01-2006 01:31 AM

So....Animal Crossing Friend codes anyone?
I'd love to visit other people's towns, and have them visit mine, but nobody I know has AC: WW...

So, my friend code is 0129 5296 9832...

I'm not sure how it works? I can't get surprise visits from friends, right? I have to open the gates each time someone wants to visit?

nordic_guy 04-01-2006 07:05 AM

I've ordered AC:WW, so it should come sometime next week. I'll give you my friendcode then.

Not sure how it works, though. The whole friendcode system is a bit tedious.

bigjko 04-01-2006 08:11 AM

Yes, visitors can only come when the gates are open.

Anyhoo, Friend Code: 2319-9639-0376

Game just came out here, so I don't have much of anything. Got a bit of cash, so I could make your Nook happy. :)

Stoofa 04-01-2006 09:07 AM


I have a Nookington's and all of the fruit. So if you guys want to visit me to get some foreign fruit trees started just let me know. BUT! If you pick my hybrid flowers I will kick your ass.

Tanukitsune 04-01-2006 09:59 AM

Ok, I'll add them know, but is there anyway to know who is online?
EDIT: It's asking for the name of the person and it's town? Do I really need them?

Oh well, I'm Mike and I live in Tanuki town.... :P

Karmillo 04-01-2006 10:51 AM

Do you have to buy that Wi-fi adapter to go visiting peoples homes?

Stoofa 04-01-2006 11:30 AM

No, but obviously you need a wifi network to connect to.

bigjko 04-02-2006 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Tanukitsune
EDIT: It's asking for the name of the person and it's town? Do I really need them?

No, it's just for organizing things on your Friends list. You can just change it later on to the right names.

Hmm, some people are saying you need them. Well, the name's BigJKO and the town is Hooville.

Tanukitsune 04-05-2006 11:13 AM

Hmm, I think we have to decide who will host and who will visit and when?

I'm usually playing AC at this hour, so I can host of visit now if anybody wants to?

Hmm, I'm thinking of planting an "exotic fruit" orchard, I'm giving apple in the mail and planting the new fruits I get to get a money making plantation... :P

The Flower Fest is a waste of a week, all you have to do is steal or destroy the other's flowers...

nordic_guy 04-06-2006 10:56 AM

I just got the game!

Friend code: 0601-9807-5960
Town name: D-Town

I'll add you guys if you don't mind. I'll be going away tomorrow and all next week, though, so I won't be playing online much. But there's always the week after that.

One question, though: How do you participate in the special events? Are they unavailable at night?

Stoofa 04-06-2006 12:06 PM

My name is Stoof or Stoofa (can't remember) and my town is Trubbs. I have gotten town and people names wrong before but my DS corrected them when I connected.

You can participate in the flower fest at night, but I'm not sure when it ends on Sunday. You should try to get onto Animal Crossing before 12 am because that's when the special characters leave town. I don't think any come during the Fower Festival, it might be like Bright Nights week when no one showed up. I usually play late at night so I set the time in AC back three hours to give me more opportunity to catch special visitors and visit Nookington's and the Able Sisters (they close at 11 pm). There are some special visitors who leave at 12 noon rather than 12 am. Wendell the walrus and the Otter (whose name I forget) are two of these.

Other special events have a set end time. The Fishing Tourney did, I remember.

nordic_guy 04-06-2006 09:10 PM

Hmm... The only thing the mayor mentioned when I talked to him last night was how much his feet hurt him. Other than the mention of the Flower Fest I got when I started the game, I couldn't find any other mention of it.

Stoofa 04-06-2006 09:30 PM

Nordic Guy, check the noticeboard by the town hall.

bigjko 04-06-2006 09:40 PM

The flower fest is open until Sunday, where there will be judging of gardens. Just participate by planting as many different types of flowers near your house, and water them every day.

Or if you're the evil type, you can just go and destroy everyone else's backyard... :shifty:

Melanie68 04-06-2006 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by bigjko
Or if you're the evil type, you can just go and destroy everyone else's backyard... :shifty:

*gasp* You wouldn't do that.... would you? :D

nordic_guy 04-06-2006 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Stoofa
Nordic Guy, check the noticeboard by the town hall.

I thought I had already done that, but that might have been when I was working for Nook.

Tanukitsune 04-21-2006 01:20 PM

Woah! I just realized how much we can use the online function to our advantage!

You can bugs co-op! Well, the bees don't appear when you have a visitor, but the pillbug and that underground one do!

Also... We can help each other to complete the catalogue!

Maybe I have in my catalogue something you don't and viceversa!

Imagine buying the fossils and paintings from your friends instead of digging them up!

Also, you need a friend to buy at yout local store for it to upgrade!

tabacco 04-29-2006 07:08 PM

Well, I just got the game, so might as well bump this thread.

Code: 0730 8432 2420
Name: Doug
Town: Dougtown

Huz 08-05-2006 01:33 PM

Having just been reduced to abject poverty at the hands of Tom Nook and his infernal turnip prices, I've just added all you lot to my list. It can't hurt to have the ability to try our respective Tom Nooks on for size when turnip-hawking time comes around.

I'm El Huz in Turdsey - 5240-6069-3366. Add me add me!

Does anyone play this any more?

jaf 01-11-2007 08:59 AM


code: 3307 9914 6183
name: Jaf
town: Vilafont

I'll add you all tonight. See you around!

Junkface 01-26-2007 07:05 AM

Seeing as I finally got my DS onto the network I'll add my details.

Code: 0430 4012 0132
Name: Junkface
Town: Machine

Though I'll add most, if not all, of you don't feel obligated to reciprocate if you don't want to. I warn you that my town is as crappy as its name implies and filled with assholes, apart from an eagle named Apollo, who is lovely. He has more wit and vibrancy in a single feather than most people have in an entire wing. If you take him from me I'll come to your town and chop down every tree (that's probably actually an empty threat.)

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