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Intrepid Homoludens 03-13-2005 04:28 PM

Hate groups on the rise in the U.S.
:frown: Just disturbing.

The Status of the U.S. White Supremacist Movement National Public Radio


Day to Day, March 9, 2005 · NPR's Madeleine Brand talks to Mark Potok, who tracks hate groups for the Southern Poverty Law Center, about the status of the white supremacist movement in the United States.
According to Mark Potok a cocktail of causes is attributed to this steadily growing state of bigotry against non-whites - massive changes in the world economy, political globalization, increasing level of immigration (legal and illegal), domestic jobs moving to other countries (like India and China), and other reasons. Many Americans feel the need for some kind of explanation, they are disillusioned and feel this country and world have changed drastically less in their favour, and they're angry about it. Many leaders of these hate groups have either died or are in prison, and there looks to be a generational shifting with these organizations, searching for a new direction.

Jews and Muslims seem to now be the primary targets of hate. They see Jews as puppeteers manipulating groups like gays, blacks, and others as means to destroy Christian life. As for the post 9/11 crackdown on immigrants, they argue that this country should never have allowed non-Christian, non-white European foreigners to enter. The more radical groups, particularly Neo nazis, applauded the death of thousands that day and commended the terrorists who killed them. One hate leader emailed thousands of followers, saying, "We may not want them, any Muslims in our society, just as they would not want us in theirs. But anyone who is willing to drive a plane into a building to kill Jews is all right with me. I only wish half of my members would have as much testicular fortitude."

More detailed info on how these groups think and work are in the audio article.

lumi 03-13-2005 04:36 PM

I think the South needs to become its own country, but something tells me we'd have to invade them soon after for human rights violations.

Sage 03-13-2005 05:58 PM

Spider Crusoe- There are just as many, if not more, Neo-Nazi hate groups flourishing in the Midwest and Northwest as there are in the South, thank you very much. Ignorant rednecks are not confined to one area of the country, and just as many of them speak with a nasal twang as speak with a Southern drawl.
Thank you also for your delightfully misinformed and stereotype-propagating summation of the South and it's denizens. It has served to prove my point more succinctly than any rant I could have indulged in.
Do I criticize Washington? No, because I've never spent any time there and have met far too few people from that area to form any opinion. Have you ever spent any time in the South, or gotten to know a large number of Southern people?

Thrift Store Scott
Birmingham, Alabama

Intrepid Homoludens 03-13-2005 06:00 PM

That's true. Hatred and bigotry are not limited to specific parts of the U.S. They are widespread, often existing in pockets across the vast stretch of the country, in any direction.

lumi 03-13-2005 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Thrift Store Scott
Thank you also for your delightfully misinformed and stereotype-propagating summation of the South and it's denizens.

You know I wasn't being serious right?

Intrepid Homoludens 03-13-2005 06:04 PM

:) Well, actually we don't know. An appropriate emoticon would have helped.

Ninja Dodo 03-13-2005 06:08 PM

Why am I not surprised? :frown:

... this seems to be a global trend of sorts.

Intrepid Homoludens 03-13-2005 06:09 PM

Any news of similar happenings in Europe?

Ninja Dodo 03-13-2005 06:21 PM

Well, Le Pen actually managed to become a presidential candidate not too long ago in France... Geert Wilders and Hirsi Ali are inciting hatred against muslims on a daily basis in Dutch parliament, something that's been made possible by the atmosphere that Pim Fortuyn created before an extreme leftists shot him in the head... you got your British National Party in Britain and idiots like Kilroy Silk - dear god, the man must have a PhD in looking like a complete ass on television - and I remember reading about an extreme right party getting into local government in germany at some point. It goes on and on...

Intrepid Homoludens 03-13-2005 06:44 PM

Another news story that may contribute to this 'epidemic':


NPR's Alex Chadwick talks to John Dimsdale of Marketplace about the flood of Chinese imports into the United States, especially textiles, and the dangers that they pose to America's textile industry.
If this keeps up we may see a backlash against Chinese Americans on the basis that they are ruining the American economy.

Ninja Dodo 03-13-2005 06:47 PM

If everybody just stayed in their own country, the world would be a boring place.

Intrepid Homoludens 03-13-2005 06:49 PM

This kind of 'phenomenon' (for lack of a better word) seems to be a major by-product of globalization on all levels - commerce, culture, politics, economics.

ConcreteRancor 03-13-2005 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
This kind of 'phenomenon' (for lack of a better word) seems to be a major by-product of globalization on all levels - commerce, culture, politics, economics.

I actually wonder what we'd HAVE in the U.S. if we suddenly stopped importing anything.

Cheap beer and novelty t-shirts? SUVs stuck in driveways without gas? (Guess there's always Alaska.) At least we'd have a surplus of grain to feed us for a while. Or use to make cheap beer.

Intrepid Homoludens 03-13-2005 07:28 PM

:D If imported oil ceased to a trickle, wouldn't we be FINALLY forced to rely on alternate fuel sources, big time?

Crunchy in milk 03-14-2005 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
:D If imported oil ceased to a trickle, wouldn't we be FINALLY forced to rely on alternate fuel sources, big time?

Cheap shot: Hardly! Haven't the US already proven what they do when oil imports are at risk? (and no I am not a believer that this is the only reason, I just mention it in jest).

If you stopped importing where would you get SUV's from?

If you want to sell your goods on the international market you have to be willing to accept international goods in yours. The 'deals' doing the rounds labeled as 'free trade agreements' are a bloody joke, the AUS<->USA one included.

When China go to war against Taiwan next year, importing cheap goods from China will get a look in so its all good...

Ninja Dodo 03-14-2005 05:34 AM

Wow. Just wow.


Wilders bracht zijn 'onafhankelijkheidsverklaring' afgelopen weekeinde naar buiten. Hij verklaart zich daarin 'onafhankelijk' van de 'zelfvoldane politieke elite die allang de weg kwijt is en op het punt staat de eeuwenoude Nederlandse wortels vaarwel te zeggen en deze in te ruilen voor multiculturalisme, cultuurrelativisme en een Europese Superstaat'.

Wilders, die volgens de peilingen op dit moment op vier Kamerzetels mag rekenen, toont zich in zijn verklaring een voorstander van 'een kleine overheid'. De belastingen kunnen omlaag, evenals de overheidsuitgaven.

Het Kamerlid pleit onder meer voor een miljardenbesparing op ontwikkelingssamenwerking, het afschaffen van de ministeries van Onderwijs en Economische Zaken en voor een reductie van het aantal regels en voorschriften met zeker 50 procent. De helft van de ambtenaren moet ander werk zoeken.

Wilders wil een einde maken aan het islamitisch onderwijs. Andere soorten bijzonder onderwijs zoals het katholieke en het gereformeerde mogen wel blijven bestaan. Hij vindt dat de overheid drastische maatregelen moet nemen om de migratie af te stoppen. De grenzen worden zeker vijf jaar gesloten voor niet-westerse allochtonen. Dit is vooral bedoeld om de gezinsvorming en -hereniging tegen te gaan.

Het Kamerlid pleit voor een 'niet-vrijblijvende integratieplicht': wie nog niet de Nederlandse nationaliteit heeft en onvoldoende integreert, 'dient Nederland te verlaten'.

Het gebruik van hoofddoekjes in publieke functies wordt verboden. Nederlander worden kan pas na een verblijf van tien jaar zonder een misdrijf te plegen. Het stemrecht voor alle niet-Nederlanders bij gemeenteraadsverkiezingen wordt afgeschaft.

Het Kamerlid vindt dat Nederland zich in internationaal opzicht harder moet opstellen. Alle internationale verdragen 'die niet in ons belang zijn', moeten worden opgezegd. Nederland moet 90 procent van de financiële bijdrage aan de EU stopzetten en niet toestaan dat de zone van landen die de euro als munteenheid hebben wordt uitgebreid. Anders moet Nederland overwegen de gulden te herintroduceren. 'Liever een sterke gulden dan een zwakke euro.'

De Nederlandse Antillen moeten worden afgestoten, 'gelet op het gevaar en de instroom van (drugs)criminaliteit, de grote corruptie en het bestuurlijk onvermogen van de Antillen'.
Let me translate...

Lower taxes, less economic rules [are you rich? do you want more? vote me!], remove the Ministry of Education [er, what???], cut funds to development cooperation [yeah, screw the third world]...

No more Islamic schools, but Christian schools can stay [Christian fundamentalists 1 - Muslims 0], close the borders for five years to all but western immigrants [sorry, you have to to be this white to go on the Welcome to Holland ride], immigrants already living in Holland that don't already have a Dutch nationality or haven't been sufficiently assimilated are to be kicked out [Raus!] and no headscarfs in public functions [crosses and such are fine, I'm sure].

We should withdraw from all international treaties that aren't in our interest [who cares about the rest of the world anyway?], Holland should cut 90% of EU funding and should not allow any further countries to take part in the euro or should consider going back to the guilder as a strong guilder is better than a weak euro. Oh and ditch The drug runners Antilles...

In closing, Holland über alles!

Polls give this guy FOUR SEATS in parliament! WTF. :pan:

SoccerDude28 03-14-2005 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by ConcreteRancor
I actually wonder what we'd HAVE in the U.S. if we suddenly stopped importing anything.

Cheap beer and novelty t-shirts? SUVs stuck in driveways without gas? (Guess there's always Alaska.) At least we'd have a surplus of grain to feed us for a while. Or use to make cheap beer.

It's not only beer and gas. I think it's mainly the jobs that tick people off. And it ranges from the poorest paying job to very prestigious ones. In farms, most of the workers in california are Mexicans, and they work really hard and get payed so much less than the others. In technology, Indians and Chinese are taking a big portion of the jobs. We hire people in India that get payed up to 1/10th what people here get payed, so it makes sense for companies to invest there to be more competitive. And exporting jobs is not only a US thing. I have heard that some Indian companies that get the outsourced jobs, themselves go and outsource jobs to even poorer countries to make more profit. It's called globalization.

Even games. In Canada Ubisoft gave the job of creating Splinter Cell : Pandora tomorrow to their Shanghai division. It's really sad that there is backlash on the minority especially in the US, the melting pot of the world. Everyone in this country was part of the minority at some point in time, and people just tend to forget this.

Erwin_Br 03-14-2005 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ninja Dodo
Polls give this guy FOUR SEATS in parliament! WTF. :pan:

Pffff! He dropped from 20-something seats to 4 in only a few weeks. The next elections are years away, for crying out loud! The guy doesn't stand a chance.

And, again, your worries are misplaced. Don't worry about that single man with his crazy ideas. Worry about the climate that allows people like him to emerge, and even get voter support! In other words, the big picture. Clearly there's something wrong with this country.


Catbert 03-14-2005 04:04 PM

Please define non-whites. Is it just skin colour or is there some more idiotic racist approach to it? I've been called a latino and woopteedoo, I'm european born and bred.

Intrepid Homoludens 03-14-2005 04:08 PM

Doesn't matter, Catbert. These hate groups are too stupid to tell the difference. They'd shoot you on sight just 'cause you don't look pale, and ask questions later.

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