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Tidus 03-03-2007 06:54 AM

Building up a 6-Pack
Hey guys,

I've decided to set up a mini "gym" in my house so as to build myself up a nice 6-pack abdominals.

The equipment I've decided to buy so far are the following:

+ an exercise bike for cadio
+ the Ab King Pro

My current waist is size 42 inches and I'm rather chunky almost everywhere :r .

Does anyone think that if I use the above mentioned equipment, they would manage to make me achieve a 6-pack and make me loose a substainial amount of weight if I use them for about, say, an hour a day?

Your comments would be appreciated, plus any other comments one wishes to add.

Now... no nasty comments, please... :P

Cheers, Tidus.

Sage 03-03-2007 07:38 AM

It couldn't hurt...well, except for the temporary soreness that comes from exercise, that is. ;)

Bear in mind that in order to have "six-pack abs" you will have to have an absurdly low body fat percentage. Most of the models with those abs naturally have very little body fat, so your mileage (or inchage) may vary.

The cardio workout will be excellent for burning fat and increasing your metabolism, and may in fact do more to help you achieve your goal than the Ab King ever could.

rlpw 03-03-2007 08:07 AM


Melanie68 03-03-2007 08:14 AM

One, I'm assuming you're a guy so you won't have all those blechy hormones that dictate fat hips. :shifty: :P

The big thing is do something every day. Mix up your exercise so you don't get bored doing one thing. If you have some free weights, those I think are an essential part of a weight loss program. You don't have to use them to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger but just doing some weight lifting will increase your basal metabolic rate so when you do cardio things (like your bike, walking or jogging e.g.), you'll burn more fat.

Honestly, I think it's more important to lose some weight for your health rather than focus on a '6-pack.' The guys that I think are handsome, don't have one. :)

Lucien21 03-03-2007 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by rlpw (Post 395551)

No go on. Go for it.]


How to get a six pack.

It worked for me......


Melanie68 03-03-2007 10:57 AM

That picture is gross... Maybe a little more fat'll do that guy some good. Women like to have something to snuggle against. ;)

Dasilva 03-03-2007 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Melanie68 (Post 395583)
That picture is gross... Maybe a little more fat'll do that guy some good. Women like to have something to snuggle against. ;)

Make that men too. :kiss:

bulldog 03-03-2007 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Melanie68 (Post 395583)
That picture is gross... Maybe a little more fat'll do that guy some good. Women like to have something to snuggle against. ;) well said Mel.

SCRUGAtes13 03-03-2007 07:13 PM

i think that if you use those two machines regularly you will not only lose a substantial amount of weight but could very well end up with a six pack. sit ups work aswell, but you have to self motivate yourself for those bloody things...

Not A Speck Of Cereal 03-03-2007 08:59 PM

I bought a few machines (stationary bike and an elliptical) against advice that they would likely end up holding laundry, and they did, but only because I learned how to ride my bike outside almost all the way through the year. If the climate here were less mild, I would have to do something more to get me using those machines.

The main reason they don't get used is boredom. Before I discovered thermals for riding outside, my scheme was to get a cheap flat-screen TV to sit in front of the machines. Music just wasn't enough. I may still do that.

By the way, if you can ride outside, it's definitely better. I ride 20-40 miles a week now. This is nothing for real riders who'll ride that much and more each day they ride, but it's a LOT more than I was getting down in the basement on those machines. If I can get 15-20 miles out of one trip, I only need to ride once or twice a week. If I can't ride one weekend day, I try to do the full 20 miles on the day I do ride. And riding outside is great--I end up at an interesting destination, a goal, and there's no "getting off the machine" weakness--you have to get yourself home, after all.

All told, combining that with proper eating, I went from about 200 lbs down to 165 @ 6' tall and 50yo. (I'm a skinny guy, weighing in at 145-150 when I was in my 20s and ~155 in my 30s. The 40s took it's toll on me.)

At any rate, good on ya for making the jump! It's the best thing I've done for myself in a long time.

SnorkleCat 03-04-2007 01:06 AM

Remember to factor in a proper diet in order to achieve actual loss of fat, because there's no such thing as spot training. Also, all-over weight training will help you lose weight by raising your resting metabolism which in turn will translate into less fat on your abs.

I do agree with the others though...don't kill yourself trying to get there. Personally I don't find a really defined six pack to be too terribly attractive either, and as Sage points out, your ability to get one may indeed be limited by your genes.

SCRUGAtes13 03-04-2007 06:21 AM

oh, also seeing as propper diets have been mentioned, don't forget that you shouldn't compensate good food for weight loss, as long as you eat the four main food groups and stay away from junk and take aways you will be healthy enough for anything (dairy products, fruit and veg, meats, carbs). eat pasta too.

Dasilva 03-04-2007 06:26 AM

While we are on the topic of body building, what if your slightly under weight and want to build up some muscle, would the logical solution be protein shakes combined with workouts? Because just working out doesn't seem to do that much. :P Damn my high metabolism.

lumi 03-04-2007 09:22 AM

You'll need to a lot more than usual if you want to build muscle. It doesn't have to be in the form of protein shakes, but something like a tuna fish sandwich or cottage cheese would do.

Sage 03-04-2007 10:02 AM

Fortunately we live in an age where all sizes and shapes of guys are considered attractive, not just one "perfect type".

As a rather extreme example, Adrian Brody is almost slat-thin and does not possess classically handsome features, yet he has no problems getting both movie roles and modeling jobs. Why? Because he is comfortable in himself and with his own appearance. The same can be said for numerous "men of size" that are popular in the media today. Self-confidence goes a long way and people are attracted to that much more than to any specific feature or set of features.

However, it never hurts to improve one's health as well.

Dasilva 03-04-2007 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Spider Crusoe (Post 395776)
You'll need to a lot more than usual if you want to build muscle. It doesn't have to be in the form of protein shakes, but something like a tuna fish sandwich or cottage cheese would do.

Im guessing shakes would be easier because you get more protein in without having to eat a 100 tuna fishes. :9

Jatsie 03-04-2007 10:24 AM

All I ever got from my can a week tuna habit was mild insanity. Gotta love those high mercury levels. ;)

Jeysie 03-04-2007 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Sage (Post 395790)
Fortunately we live in an age where all sizes and shapes of guys are considered attractive, not just one "perfect type".

'Tis true... men have a lot more "leeway" in that department. :P

But, chalk me up as another person who doesn't find a "six-pack" - or the "muscled" look in general - attractive. Being toned/fit is one thing, and good for your health, but the "definitely lifts weights" look is unappealing. Guys should have *some* padding; they're more fun to hug that way. :)

Peace & Luv, Liz

SnorkleCat 03-04-2007 11:46 PM


oh, also seeing as propper diets have been mentioned, don't forget that you shouldn't compensate good food for weight loss, as long as you eat the four main food groups and stay away from junk and take aways you will be healthy enough for anything (dairy products, fruit and veg, meats, carbs). eat pasta too.
...Not sure I agree with this 100%. I don't believe anyone should eat white, processed grains, such as pasta or flour. They do spike your blood sugar, causing a flood of insulin to be released-which is exactly what you don't want if you're trying to lose fat. If you're going to eat a grain, make it a slow releasing carbohydrate like wholegrain...brown rice, quinoa, barley, wholegrain pasta ...etc...

Tidus 03-05-2007 01:16 AM

Hey guys,

Thanks for all your replies.

I really appreciate it. ;)

So, let's get this straight - if I use the following, will I manage to lose a good amount of body fat and start building up a 6-pack??

+ an exercise bike for cadio
+ the Ab King Pro

What are your opinions about the Ab King Pro? Pros and cons??


lumi 03-05-2007 06:46 AM

I think you should forget about the ab machine. Crunches are easy enough to do on your own.

Sage 03-05-2007 07:18 AM

Spider is 100% correct. There are, have been, and will be hundreds of gimmicks that promise a shortcut to "six-pack abs" for the low price of $___, but nothing beats good old-fashioned crunches.

SnorkleCat 03-05-2007 07:19 AM

I'm inclined to agree...crunches first and then see if you really need some sort of gadget. A really good quality exercise ball can help too. Use it as a desk chair. It forces you to sit up straight and you're constantly making small adjustments with your muscles. You'll burn calories and help tone yourself all day long. You can also lie on your back, hold the ball straight up and cycle your legs parallel to the floor.

Cycling is ok, but I prefer running or brisk walking for cardio. I have to really bust my butt on a cycle (I mean this almost literally too- cycle seats hurt my butt something fierce :) ) to get the same calorie loss as an easy run or brisk walk. Also, bear in mind that if your aim is to burn fat, you should be doing a lengthy, easy to moderate workout and not pushing your heart to its limits.

Lucien21 03-05-2007 09:39 AM

I tried crunchies.

10 a day

Ended up with a Keg insead of a six-pack.:devil:

Jatsie 03-05-2007 09:42 AM

But did you get that Friday feeling? ;)

rlpw 03-05-2007 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Lucien21 (Post 396087)
I tried crunchies.

10 a day

Ended up with a Keg insead of a six-pack.:devil:

Man that looks good! I haven't seen a Cadbury bar of any kind. All we get is the Cadbury Eggs around Easter.

Oh, physical crunches, free weights, and an equal amount of time on aerobics of some kind are what my Chiropractor advised.

Jelena 03-05-2007 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by SnorkleCat (Post 396037)
Cycling is ok, but I prefer running or brisk walking for cardio.

Another advantage with walking/jogging is that it strengthens the skelteton more than cycling or swimming does. It's something about the cells reproducing when the skeleton gets stressed (expr?) with each step.
Good to know if you want to avoid osteoporosis.

Jatsie 03-05-2007 11:52 AM

But the impact from running is bad for the cartilage in the knees.

Intrepid Homoludens 03-05-2007 12:04 PM

;) Excuses, excuses, Jatsie.

Jelena 03-05-2007 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 396112)
But the impact from running is bad for the cartilage in the knees.

I prefer walking. I walk my dog at least twice a day and she likes to walk fast. I'm not sure if power walking is a real word, but it describes it really well.

Jatsie 03-05-2007 12:18 PM

I strut, hehe.

If I'm walking, it means I have somewhere to be, so I set off at a brisk pace, like a man on a mission.

I seem incapable of walking slowly, I tried sauntering once, but it didn't take. I dislike dawdling.

samIamsad 03-05-2007 12:19 PM

Why ain't ya doin' it the old fashioned way, mh?

(I still have a belly). :P

Melanie68 03-05-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jelena (Post 396107)
Another advantage with walking/jogging is that it strengthens the skelteton more than cycling or swimming does. It's something about the cells reproducing when the skeleton gets stressed (expr?) with each step.
Good to know if you want to avoid osteoporosis.

I'll have to disagree with that. ;) Bone strength is maintained due to the act of muscles pulling on the bone. So anything that uses muscles will have an effect on your bones. Honestly, I feel anything aerobic is good for you. For those people who already have joint problems or who are starting out significantly overweight, a low impact exercise such as cycling or swimming would seem preferable to me. Also, look at Lance Armstrong - he's got some impressive musculature. :P Everytime I try jogging or overdo the walking, I get shin splints which are immensely painful so I have to do other low impact exercises (when I actually get off my butt to do them :o).

RLacey 03-05-2007 03:01 PM

I'd be very surprised if Lance Armstrong's only exercise was gained through cycling ;).

samIamsad 03-05-2007 03:05 PM


:9~ :9~ What the kashbah kind of beer is that.

Jelena 03-06-2007 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Melanie68 (Post 396151)
I'll have to disagree with that. ;) Bone strength is maintained due to the act of muscles pulling on the bone. So anything that uses muscles will have an effect on your bones. Honestly, I feel anything aerobic is good for you. For those people who already have joint problems or who are starting out significantly overweight, a low impact exercise such as cycling or swimming would seem preferable to me. Also, look at Lance Armstrong - he's got some impressive musculature. :P Everytime I try jogging or overdo the walking, I get shin splints which are immensely painful so I have to do other low impact exercises (when I actually get off my butt to do them :o).

Well I actually read an article in a medical magazine that stated that to prevent osteoporosis stressing the skeleton by walking/running was even better than the kinds of exercises where the skeleton doesn't get the impact of the ground. The article was in a Swedish magazine, but after having searched the internet I found something similar in this article.

Climbing stairs, running, lifting weights - and to some extent walking - are all among those exercises considered beneficial in maintaining bone density, in contrast to activities such as swimming, which are less helpful for osteoporosis.
This was just a quick search. I haven't read the entire article that thorough.

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