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tsa 08-10-2009 05:53 AM

Oh that is so mean! I did my best for our Hammie, and now this.
/me goes and sulks in a corner.

Jelena 08-10-2009 06:00 AM

*pats tsa on the back*

Here, have a jar of cookies!

tsa 08-10-2009 06:11 AM

Thanks Jelena. I feel better now.

Jazhara7 08-10-2009 12:53 PM

Dear Aggie,

This morning at 1:30 Thomas and I returned from the M'era Luna festival, fell into our bed, deathly tired, but happy after a great festival. We saw great bands like Krypteria (though they really have to work on their song announcing. Simply pronouncing it dramatically just doesn't cut it. Though that might have been due to the fact that they didn't have all that much time to present a number of songs overall. Oh, and they played mostly less soft toned songs at the festival. But "Ignition" isn't on YouTube. Also, some of you, at least in Germany, might know at least one song by them, Liberatio which was used for a benefit single for the tsunami victims in 2004.), Blutengel (watch the video. This is a band where some people just come to see the stage show, and not always because of the music. Oh, and what was particularly cute was that at the end, after the last song, the singer went back to the microphone and said "We don't actually want to finish yet...sooo, if you scream "Encore!" now, we'll sing a bit more." Ah, those Gothics. Much toon well educated. :D ), Oomph!, Apocalyptica, Nightwish (though this was the band I really, really wanted to see, I didn't actually stay long to *see* them. Our tent was located so well that we could hear most bands very well from there. So we left in the middle of the second song, because it was one of the old songs. Why? Well, even though I love the old songs very much, they have a new singer, and of course she doesn't sound much like their old one. Thomas and I just couldn't get over the fact that she was singing everything one octave too low than we were used to. This is what we have ingrained in our brains. This is what we heard. I have nothing against Anette, but we can't listen to her singing the old songs. New songs are alright, but for the old songs it must be Tarja's voice. Not to say Anette's version isn't nice either, but it's just not the same.), Welle:Erdball (Didn't stay too long for this one. They were playing in the airport hangar, but they would have been well at home on the main stage, judging by how crammed the hangar was. It was so crammed, that when someone started smoking I simply had to leave, because there was simply no escape.) Schelmish (sadly they didn't play my favourite song though.), [/url=]L'Ame Immortell[/url], The Crüxshadows, Grendel (Another one in the Hangar. Not as full as the other one, but still well visited. Also, very loud. We left the Hangar after some time and listened from outside. Also, that's not an official video in case you are wondering.), Subway to Sally, and last but not least, "The Prodigy". We left in about the middle of the performance because I was so tired I could hardly keep on my feet, and we wanted a head start on all the other people that would be leaving that evening (though a huge number seemed to simply stay overnight that day. There were more tents left than had been removed that day. O.o ). Still, we heard the prodigy all the way to the parking lot, which was at least 2 km away from the stage - so we kind of ended up hearing most of it anyway. Overall, it was a great festival. :)

In other news, I just went to J-list with the intention of buying a Nendoroid because I was feeling an itch to add another over-cutefied figure to my computer desk, and to cheer me up because my last one didn't arrive ;( . However, I left J-list with a full set of Genki learning materlials ordered, so I could finally get to down to properly learning japanese. I hope these keep up to their promise.

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Fantasysci5 08-10-2009 02:43 PM

That sounds awesome, Jaz!

bulldog 08-10-2009 03:15 PM

Wow Jaz that sounds great :D

I have been up since 1:00am. Olivia got up this morning with a fever of 103.3..... I'm so sleepy. Her fever is down to 102.0 with motrin and teething tabs.... ph I hope she feels better soon..... and I hope she will get sleep tonight. :frown:

Intrepid Homoludens 08-10-2009 06:14 PM
"You pathetic humans are not fit to handle me! MUUUAHAHAHAHA!!!....erm, may have please something to eat?"


Originally Posted by tsa (Post 519408)
Hey Trep! Please please tell us some more about the damn puppy! :)

Short video of Emoo terrorizing us.
Another, after we caught the little f00ker. (You can hear Nanay scolding him in the back. Hilarious)


Originally Posted by bullsie (Post 519649)
Wow Jaz that sounds great :D

I have been up since 1:00am. Olivia got up this morning with a fever of 103.3..... I'm so sleepy. Her fever is down to 102.0 with motrin and teething tabs.... ph I hope she feels better soon..... and I hope she will get sleep tonight. :frown:

Have fun, Jaz!

She'll be fine, bullsie. Teething sucks. :D

tsa 08-10-2009 08:41 PM

You sure had a good time Jaz. I always wonder why the music on festivals and concerts has to be so LOUD! Recently we had a few articles in the paper about that, and nobody really seems to know.

Bullsie, what are teething tabs?

Trep, the puppy is so cute! Is he 'potty trained' already? What do you call that in English?

Jelena 08-10-2009 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jazhara7 (Post 519632)
Dear Aggie,

This morning at 1:30 Thomas and I returned from the M'era Luna festival,

Sounds like fun Jaz! :)


Originally Posted by bulldog (Post 519649)
I have been up since 1:00am. Olivia got up this morning with a fever of 103.3..... I'm so sleepy. Her fever is down to 102.0 with motrin and teething tabs.... ph I hope she feels better soon..... and I hope she will get sleep tonight. :frown:

I read this post late last night after having picked my daughter up after a party and I'm pretty sure it's the reason why I dreamed I had another baby.
Waking up was a relief let me tell you. :D
I do hope Olivia is better and that you both get to sleep from now on.


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens (Post 519658)
Short video of Emoo terrorizing us.
Another, after we caught the little f00ker. (You can hear Nanay scolding him in the back. Hilarious)

Aw, I looove little puppies! :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

bulldog 08-11-2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by tsa (Post 519670)
Bullsie, what are teething tabs?

They are Homeopathy pills to relieve pain during teething. It is kind of like Oragel for adults, but it’s in a pill form that melts once inside their little mouths. :D


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens (Post 519658)
She'll be fine, bullsie. Teething sucks. :D

Oh yes…… Matt took her to the doctor today and she is teething but she also has croup :frown:


Originally Posted by Jelena (Post 519680)
I read this post late last night after having picked my daughter up after a party and I'm pretty sure it's the reason why I dreamed I had another baby.
Waking up was a relief let me tell you. :D
I do hope Olivia is better and that you both get to sleep from now on.

Oh my Jelena……. I’ve had dreams like that …… :crazy: Olivia is doing some better. She has croup…. But the doctor gave her some meds so I hope that helps some.

Jelena 08-11-2009 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by bulldog (Post 519740)
Olivia is doing some better. She has croup…. But the doctor gave her some meds so I hope that helps some.

Poor Olivia. :frown: I've heard croup can be very exhausting for both children and parents. On the good side is that they grow out of it eventually.

Giligan 08-11-2009 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by geggis (Post 519559)
Hey Giligan,

how'd you get on with Jacqueline?


Originally Posted by Fantasysci5 (Post 519567)
Aww, good luck Hammy!!! :kiss:

And yeah, Giligan, I really want to know how it went with the girl?!

Sadly, it didn't. My co-worker never contacted me. :P

Fantasysci5 08-12-2009 04:13 PM

I hope Olivia is feeling better, Bulldog.

I'M FINALLY BACK AT SCHOOL! Not many of my friends are here yet, and neither is Louie, but I'ms o glad to be abck and away from my parents. :D

Intrepid Homoludens 08-12-2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Fantasysci5 (Post 519924)
I'M FINALLY BACK AT SCHOOL! Not many of my friends are here yet, and neither is Louie, but I'ms o glad to be abck and away from my parents. :D

I can totally understand the being away from parents part.

Intrepid Homoludens 08-12-2009 06:57 PM

Dear Blog Thingy,

At least there's some shred of hope in the world...
Saqib Ali

Pro-Gay-Marriage Muslim Delegate Stirs Conservatives | NPR


August 11, 2009 | It some ways Saqib Ali has had a normal life for a local politician. After earning his bachelor's degree from the University of Maryland, he ran for political office in 2006. His victory won him a seat in the Maryland Legislature. Now the Democratic delegate has come out in support of gay marriage, a position he announced publicly in an op-ed piece he wrote for a local Maryland publication, The Gazette.

So why are so many, including his family, surprised about his gay-marriage stance?

Because Ali is Muslim (the first Muslim delegate in Maryland), and Islam strictly prohibits homosexuality. In fact, in many Muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia — where Ali went to high school — homosexuality is punishable by law. But Ali says his support of gay marriage is not a reflection of his faith or belief in Islam but a decision he made as a politician representing his constituents with and without faith backgrounds.

"If I tried to enforce religion by law — as in a theocracy — I would be doing a disservice to my both constituents and to my religion," Ali writes in his op-ed.

Though he knows his stance is controversial, he hopes critics will come to share his point of view to promote marriage equality.

"[Gay marriage] doesn't affect my marriage; it doesn't affect anybody else's marriage," Ali said. "It doesn't harm us in any way."

Currently, same-sex marriage is illegal in Maryland. Only in six states — Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine — can homosexual couples get married. The next opportunity for the Maryland Legislature to pass a law legalizing gay marriage would be in the 2010 legislative session. But because 2010 is an election year for the entire General Assembly, Ali says it is more likely the issue won't come to the table until 2011.

tsa 08-12-2009 07:59 PM

How cool is that? Yesterday I heard a nice song by Janis Ian about homosexuality. I forgot what it was called, but you can download it from her website.

tsa 08-17-2009 02:40 AM

Hi Bloggie,

Yesterday My father and I decided to go to Edinburgh on vacation for a short week. It's not too far away, and there is a lot of interesting architecture to be seen there. Also its surroundings must be very beautiful. If possible, we want to go there as early as next month (around sept. 16). Does any one of you have any tips? What can we expect weather- and temperature wise? Any interesting relatively unknown buildings that we have to see, either in Edinburgh or in its surroundings?

Fantasysci5 08-17-2009 11:03 AM

I'm finally back at college, wit my friends, and back in Louie's arms. It's so nice to be back with him, I'm so happy. I'm getting used to my new job at the front desk, and I can't wait to start getting money back! I already bought Louie a $50 subscription to Xbox Live, since his ran out and I wanted him to have one. :)

Lucien21 08-17-2009 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by tsa (Post 520356)
Hi Bloggie,

Yesterday My father and I decided to go to Edinburgh on vacation for a short week. It's not too far away, and there is a lot of interesting architecture to be seen there. Also its surroundings must be very beautiful. If possible, we want to go there as early as next month (around sept. 16). Does any one of you have any tips? What can we expect weather- and temperature wise? Any interesting relatively unknown buildings that we have to see, either in Edinburgh or in its surroundings?

Weather if it doesn't change from recently would be.....looks out window.......Rain lots of rain. However you never can tell, be prepared for 4 seasons in one day.

As for things to see, I answered than in the other thread.

tsa 08-17-2009 12:43 PM

Thanks Lucien! I was almost sure there was a thread but I was too lazy to look for it...

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