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peter.vullings 06-12-2009 02:00 AM

Show all hotspots - the poll!
As in the subject.

varunmehta 06-12-2009 02:16 AM

It can be quite frustrating if you're completely stuck until you find that one elusive hotspot that allows the story to progress or opens up new areas, so "show all hotspots" should be an option.

However you should be able to invoke it a limited number of times in the game or only once every x mins because once you know this feature is there you tend to use it too often without even making an effort to find a hotspot.

colpet 06-12-2009 03:32 AM

Looking for stuff is part of the fun of playing games. It's part of the challenge. If you want hot spots shown, why bother with just that. Push a button and have the items appear miraculously in your inventory and save yourself a trip. :crazy:

orient 06-12-2009 03:34 AM

Well, my initial argument was that a "show all hotspots" feature breaks immersion and I stick by that. However, it's not a huge issue for me because after all it is optional - although I prefer diary/hint systems.

I think "obvious" hotspots are welcomed, as long as they serve a purpose. It's much better than having to pixel hunt.

Sorry, don't really know which option to pick :P

dekaneas297 06-12-2009 04:48 AM

The options are not so well implemented ie the first two options for "yes" don't rule out the third one of "yes". No conclusions can be made like that

Gabe 06-12-2009 06:10 AM

Nonsense pool,it's optional already if you dont hit corresponding key you want see any hotspots,so what are you asking for then?

Krystal 06-12-2009 08:09 AM

Is great when one is stuck, so vote it should be optional.

noknowncure 06-12-2009 08:32 AM

I vote not to impose my personal opinions on how another gamer uses an entirely optional system.

cwapitm 06-12-2009 12:55 PM

I happen to love this feature because most of the time when I've gotten stuck, 90% of the time it's because I missed some object I didn't see. Also isn't this feature usually optional anyway? I haven't come across a game where it wasn't. By optional I mean pushing a button to see the hotspots.

Fantasysci5 06-12-2009 09:05 PM

I'd like a hotspot revealer as a hint system. It breaks my immersion in the game when I use it, but it also does that when I'm trying to pixel hunt.

QDream 06-14-2009 01:31 AM

Yeah that would be great, Still Life 2 screams for this feature

LostQuixote 06-14-2009 02:07 AM

I vote yes, even though it feels like giving in, its not nearly as niggling as looking at UHS for hints only to find you've missed something that was right under your nose all the time.

crabapple 06-14-2009 05:24 AM

I voted for "Yes. It keeps the focus on the puzzles"
because there was no option for "Yes. Pixel hunting is a pain in the butt."


Originally Posted by Gabe (Post 512499)
Nonsense pool,it's optional already if you dont hit corresponding key you want see any hotspots,so what are you asking for then?

Some people can't resist temptation when the "hint" is as close as a hotkey.

youfightlikeadairyfarmer 06-14-2009 07:49 AM

Mystery Case Files really needed one of these!

Luna Sevithiainen 06-14-2009 08:19 AM

My vote went to Yes, as an optional hint system.

I like to search for items myself, it sort of makes you absorb the scenes more when you look at what exactly is in it. It makes you scan a scene very thoroughly, which, in my opinion, enhances the immersion. You really know the scene. Something like that.

However, sometimes, in the cases of actual pixelhunts, the fun of scanning a scene disappears. I don't mind having to search every scene twice. The second time I tend to look more closely than the first one and you get aforementioned situation of really getting to know the whole scene. A third search, when some time has passed...okay, I can handle that. But the more you have to search for some obscure pixel, the less fun it gets. Sort of a search-overload. So, in these cases, especially when you already figured out for yourself what item you need, but can't find it,I'd prefer to use an in-game-hotspot-revealer than UHS or walkthrough, because for some reason these always tend to reveal more than you want.

Ksandra 06-15-2009 02:12 AM

Yes, and I can't understand why more games don't use it (especially when it was in use as far back as Simon the Sorcerer 2). I can sympathise with people who view it as cheating, or breaking the immersion, but as long as it's optional - and I've never seen one that isn't - I really don't see the problem.

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