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Mohlin 02-26-2009 04:34 AM

How do you play/behave?
When you start a new game, or get access to a previously closed area, how do you "behave"? Do you start looking for clues immidiately, or do you have a look around first?

I always look around, especially when I start a new game. Walk around the house, check which doors can be opened. How far can you walk before the "game boundries". Look inside the house (or whatever it is). Where's the kitchen (always interesting), what books are there (but not reading yet).

Then I go back to "start" and now start fine-combing for clues (roaming curser, you know).

Do you have any game habits like that?

XerxesLetifer 02-26-2009 04:40 AM

I am more of a "do everything immediately" kind of person. I like to check out everything in a new area, pick up whatever I can, run through the entire dialogue tree for anyone I meet, etc. This can get frustrating when I see something I should be able to interact with, but cannot yet because the game wants me to go somewhere else first so my character realizes he/she has a reason to interact with the object.

DustyShinigami 02-26-2009 04:57 AM

I usually explore first - examine every object i can see, try and pick up any objects that aren't nailed down, talk to every character and extinguish every last bit of dialogue etc.

Melanie68 02-26-2009 05:08 AM

I'm like Mohlin. I like to see where I can go. Sometimes it gets me in trouble if I run into another puzzle too early and solve it. I'll look at a walkthrough later and realize I wasn't supposed to do certain things until later. But I do like to know how far I can go.

UPtimist 02-26-2009 05:35 AM

Yeah, I'm also on the explore-everything-without-affecting-anything side. That's the biggest problem I have with more open games, I hate stumbling into things that advance me before I have explored everything I can...

I tend to go everywhere first before even talking to people and I try to be careful not to do anything that might affect anything, basically meaning that I tend to just use the "look" option before I do anything. Usually I then go back to where I started and then start 'doing'.

Sometimes (in not-so-well designed games?) it can get a bit tedious though, but even then I try to explore everything. I just don't like missing things.

AndreaDraco83 02-26-2009 05:39 AM

I defined my method with Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father. I reason on a location basis. I carefully explore every location, talk exhaustively with every character within the current location, try to interact with everything and only after that I move to the next location. ;)

colpet 02-26-2009 05:48 AM

When I first start a game, I do a trial run.Then I jot down some quick notes about loading the game and settings (+/- patches), and include it in the manual in case I want to replay the game in the future. I explore a bit, get a feel for the movement and save/load screens. I check out the control options and adjust as necessary. Sometimes I watch the intro a few times to get a sense of what's going on before I start the game in earnest.

shezcrafti 02-26-2009 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Mohlin (Post 497858)
When you start a new game, or get access to a previously closed area, how do you "behave"? Do you start looking for clues immidiately, or do you have a look around first?

I always look around, especially when I start a new game. Walk around the house, check which doors can be opened. How far can you walk before the "game boundries". Look inside the house (or whatever it is). Where's the kitchen (always interesting), what books are there (but not reading yet).

Then I go back to "start" and now start fine-combing for clues (roaming curser, you know).

Do you have any game habits like that?

I do the same thing. I definitely tend to wander off to go exploring instead of going where I'm told to go. I go everywhere, click everything, collect anything I can. I might also try to see what kind of extra actions are possible, like eating, washing my hands or using the bathroom. I like to assimilate and feel immersed. I like to try to get in the head of my protagonist, like I really did just arrive at an old mysterious house. Then, when I feel comfortable and familiar with my surroundings, perhaps I'll begin the actual quests!

Some games really reward you for your adventurous spirit, but others not so much. For example, right now I'm playing The Black Mirror for the first time, and it's frustrating that I can't pick up objects ahead of time that I know I'll need later.

It's funny that you mentioned kitchens...that's the room I'm always most curious about as well. Wonder why.

therabidfrog 02-26-2009 07:33 AM

I explore each area immediately and thoroughly. It's a by-product of mostly playing first person games since a lot of them require sometimes tedious pixel hunting. I do the same from room to room until I hit a dead end then back track and try each room again.

cwapitm 02-26-2009 10:00 AM

I look at everything I can first. I also like to look at objects before I pick them up, and later look at them in the inventory. I like hearing all the interesting comments. I also will try to pick up or use anything and everything because you never know, you might be able to stuff that dresser in your pocket. :P

Fantasysci5 02-26-2009 01:09 PM

When I'm in a new environment, I love looking around first, seeing everything and clicking to hear any comments the character has to say. :)

splin 02-26-2009 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Alucard (Post 497862)
I usually explore first - examine every object i can see, try and pick up any objects that aren't nailed down, talk to every character and extinguish every last bit of dialogue etc.


Lady Kestrel 02-26-2009 03:39 PM

I always take the time to look around the area I'm in first, and if it's a first person game, I like to turn around and look behind me so I'll recognize where I am if I have to return. If I have a choice of directions, I'll check out the limits of each before trying anything, then I'll go back to the entry point to see what I can solve.

Melanie68 02-26-2009 07:22 PM

I think there's a psychology paper waiting to be born from this thread. :P

tobacos 02-26-2009 11:41 PM

First i admire the graphics and let the music complete the picture,as exploring eveything that seems not worthy at the begining and adding up untill this new place reveals all its secerts to me,and untill i find out what needs to be fixed!
and i usualy when i enter and new place i have to use all exits to figure out all the areas i m dealing with.

dekaneas297 02-27-2009 01:10 AM

Look around? I 've got to finish the game god damned! :D

bbX1138 02-27-2009 01:57 AM

I'm similar to a lot of people here, but I do more of a quick scan first before returning later. So, assuming a few rooms have been opened up to me, I'll talk to any characters and pick up anything obvious in the first, then move onto the next room. Once I've done that in all rooms and I've got a better idea of what I'm trying to do, assuming there are no solutions that have become immediately obvious, I go back and examine/try to pick up everything in all the rooms.

stepurhan 02-28-2009 02:20 AM

I try to get myself into the story so, if there is something the PC is clearly set up to do at the start, I go and do that. I only really start the serious looking around once I have some tasks to justify it.

What sort of mighty pirate goes on a sight-seeing tour when there's a seedy grog-selling bar nearby? :D

tsa 02-28-2009 10:08 AM

I'm not into alcohol so I usually take the time to look around and marvel at the architecture (in Myst or your typical Sokal game). After I think I've seen all the main features of the new location I start looking for clues.

MoonBird 02-28-2009 10:27 AM

I search and find all possible hotspots - The more there are - the better! And I really enjoy every moment of it.

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