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Ascovel 10-23-2008 02:45 AM

Face Noir - new adventure game!
At GameBoomers I've found about this recently announced title: developed by a small Italian team. From the looks of it it is heavily inspired by The Maltese Falcon and it should have plenty of atmosphere.

dekaneas297 10-23-2008 02:58 AM

Judging by the four screenshots it looks very good.
And the story is awesome :)

AndreaDraco83 10-23-2008 05:01 AM

I definitely love the mood, and I give the developers my best wishes! ;)

Beacon 10-23-2008 07:34 AM

Drat! Point-n-Click interface. Come on somebody, take a chance, make a good game with direct control.

MoonBird 10-23-2008 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Beacon (Post 485451)
Drat! Point-n-Click interface. Come on somebody, take a chance, make a good game with direct control.

Aw, come on... point & click games are a rarity in the world today... I would say, that in this console generation, there's more than enough direct control games already. Just browse the console games. I think anyway, that direct control with PC is frustrating combination.

DEMON 10-23-2008 02:12 PM

YES! 2.5D, point-n-click, woohoo. I´m very interested :P

orient 10-23-2008 05:09 PM

Looks like my type of adventure game. The style's slightly reminiscent of some Sinking Island screenshots I've seen.

Lee in Limbo 10-24-2008 06:26 AM

That looks like a very stylish and interesting game. I hope the story and the production values live up to the promise.

Romer 10-29-2008 05:36 PM

Looks great. I'll take 2.5 for that experience. Don't like the music on the site, though. Needs more sexy atmosphere and pathos.

JackVanian 10-30-2008 05:51 PM

Good you mention the music, when i was on the site, i had my boxes turned off. :frusty:

I gotta say that i really love the music and i think its exactly what i would want from somethin in the stlye of Film Noir. I´ll definetely follow this game with great interest.

Now, that the main character looks exactly like Humphrey Bogart, it would be awesome to have a voice actor who kind of goes in the same voice direction Bogey did. Imagine that, combined with some really cool oldschool Bogey-like dialogues, wow...

Romer 10-30-2008 06:00 PM

Naaa, we don't need a Bogey imitator (99.9% are horrible). Just a voice that is hardboiled with a heart and appreciation of irony.

You really liked that music? It had no melodrama. I grew up with that stuff. Still, I'll put up with the music (which wasn't terminal) because the rest looks marvelous.

Do we have an approximate release date yet?

JackVanian 10-30-2008 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Romer (Post 485948)
Naaa, we don't need a Bogey imitator (99.9% are horrible). Just a voice that is hardboiled with a heart and appreciation of irony.

:D I don´t know any Bogey (voice) imitators, but yeah your definition of voice acting would do the job perfectly.

As far as the release date goes: The AG- Face Noir section mentions a scheduled release in late 2009.

AndreaDraco83 10-31-2008 03:55 AM

Indeed a perfect definition, Romer.

I can't wait to see the supporting characters! :D

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