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Boneho Chane 02-10-2006 03:46 PM

So my friend was going through his basement last night...
And he found a mint condition Quest For Glory I, with all the manuals, floppy discs and it's super snazzy slim box. He played it a little while and said it was a very, very fun game. He invited me over tonight to check out the game myself. It looked pretty cool from what I saw. There were lots of quotes on the box claiming how revolutionary of an adventure game it was.

I was thinking it was probably worth a lot. The box is super awesome. It has it owns giant lid on it, the first I've seen of it. It also has a lot of mamuals. And the game works perfectly. All surprising since it's 1988 game. I wouldn't be too surprised it if was a collector's item. I would install on my computer, but it doesn't have a floppy drive. :shifty: Any info on it?

avatar_58 02-10-2006 03:50 PM

Thats pretty cool, I love this series. I'm more of a fan of the point & click remake myself (since I played that version first) but any mint condition sierra game is a treasure within itself.

If you want it on your PC, why not install it on a PC with a floppy then copy over the contents to your PC using the internet or a CD or something. :)

You might need to run it under DOSBox to get the sound and music working properly though.

RLacey 02-10-2006 03:53 PM

I actually backed up all my disk games to CD a year or so back. I was amazed by how few I had :crazy:.

avatar_58 02-10-2006 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by RLacey
I actually backed up all my disk games to CD a year or so back. I was amazed by how few I had :crazy:.

I did that a few years ago on two CDs. Since then I've gotten many more dos games and classics. Now I'm working towards backing it all up onto 2 Dual Layer DVDs (even got a double-dvd case to put them into). Each game will be setup with Dfend/dosbox so that they will work without me ever having to configure or install them again.

RLacey 02-10-2006 04:37 PM

I discovered that I had very few disk games, but that was because at that time my parents were still buying the games, and they didn't do that very often.

As a result all my disk games went comfortably onto a single CD. And now sit along side the several hundred CD games I've bought since :crazy:.

fov 02-10-2006 04:44 PM

It would be a collector's item if it were called Hero's Quest. ;) (That's what the original release of this game was called, then Sierra had to change the name because a board game company had Hero's Quest trademarked already.)

Is it the original version with a text parser, or the point & click remake? (I'm guessing the text parser, if it's 1988.)

In any case, it's not really valuable. Here's a Hero's Quest that sold on eBay recently for $32. Since this is more rare than the version called Quest for Glory, you could expect your friend's to sell for less than that. Still, must be mighty nice to have stumbled across it in the basement.

nikoniko 02-10-2006 10:25 PM

It all depends on marketing.

I see eBay listings all the time where the seller writes something like, "This is a super ultra RARE SuchAndSuch, and no matter how hard you look you're not likely to find one of these in MINT CONDITION again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", and they get a whole bunch of crazy high bidding even though there are ten other people selling the same thing in the same condition for much less.

An old game's value on eBay is directly proportional to how many colors and exclamation points are used in the listing. :D

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