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PCgamer 12-13-2005 04:22 PM

Not A Fan Of Journey To The Center Of The Earth
I just finished journey to the center of the earth and am very dissapointed. Arriane (sp) got stuck in a spot at least 4 times, the voice acting was awful and some of the puzzles were so far fetched. I also had felt that as Arriane went along she was stealing from everyone.Picking up items when others were right there. Also I have never met so many dumb people. Everyone kept asking her to help them out as if she was a genius. "I have no idea how to fix that Ariane or could you get that for me ?" Uhhhh. Anyway just rambling anyone else feel this way?

fov 12-13-2005 04:25 PM

Welcome to the forum. :) I haven't played this game, but I have heard similar complaints from some who have.

PCgamer 12-13-2005 04:28 PM

Thanks for the welcome. First time posting on a game. Just had to vent

Gonchi 12-13-2005 04:54 PM

I bought it ages ago but I've yet to play it.

Since original games are nigh impossible to get here I tend to just buy every title I find mildly interesting when I travel. The result is a never ending "to play" list. By my calculations, I should be playing this game some time in 2013.

Er... and yeah, I've heard very few good things about it too. It's a shame every game based on Verne's work has turned out so poor. :frown:

Melanie68 12-13-2005 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Gonchi
I bought it ages ago but I've yet to play it.

Since original games are nigh impossible to get here I tend to just buy every title I find mildly interesting when I travel. The result is a never ending "to play" list. By my calculations, I should be playing this game some time in 2013.

Er... and yeah, I've heard very few good things about it too. It's a shame every game based on Verne's work has turned out so poor. :frown:

Have you played Return to Mysterious Island or Voyage yet? I haven't played them yet, but I've heard good things about them.

There were annoying things about Journey to the Center of the Earth but overall I liked it because the story was interesting (it allowed me to put up with the dialogue and poor navigation).

Gonchi 12-13-2005 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Melanie68
Have you played Return to Mysterious Island or Voyage yet? I haven't played them yet, but I've heard good things about them.

No, not yet. First person games were never my cup of tea, so I keep passing up Return for other games, and Voyage came out after my last trip, but I do plan to get it on my next one.

In fact, the only Verne inspired game I've finished has been Mystery of the Nautilus, so I probably shouldn't have made that comment without having played 4/5 of the titles I'm criticizing... :pan:

fov 12-13-2005 06:07 PM

I'm not a first person game type of girl either, but I really enjoyed Voyage (much to my surprise!) It's not just another puzzle game... it has a strong story, great atmosphere, and fun sense of humor. I recommend it. :)

After a brisk nap 12-13-2005 10:17 PM

Whenever I'm about to say something like "I don't like first-person games," I remind myself of the Tex Murphy games (from UAKM and on). First person doesn't have to mean lifeless and deserted 3D-rendered worlds with an anonymous protagonist and poorly integrated mechanical puzzles. It just seems that way sometimes.

fov 12-13-2005 10:31 PM

Kheops' games are similar, actually, in that you are playing a defined character whom you see during cutscenes and whose thoughts you hear as you play. Maybe that's why I don't mind them the way I mind other first person games... there's a little more to grab on to.

Ninth 12-14-2005 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Snarky
First person doesn't have to mean lifeless and deserted 3D-rendered worlds with an anonymous protagonist and poorly integrated mechanical puzzles. It just seems that way sometimes.


But yeah, Voyage And Return to Mystery Island are nothing like Myst. And they're both excellent, albeit too short, games.

bysmitty 12-14-2005 05:07 AM

Ugh, I felt the same way about Journey to the Center of the Earth. Every sorely dissapointed. I got stuck in places too which was why I eventually gave up. I also got really annoyed at the fact that I couldn't pick up an item before I needed it even if it was blatantly obvious that I would. Other times, since some object look like part of the scenery to begin with, I would be 15 screens away before it would become clickable and I had to re-scan all those screens again. Ugh. I didn't mind the voice acting and the scenery was sure very attractive but nothing was able to hold me into the game. I finally got stuck for the last time and I uninstalled. I really wanted to like this one but couldn't.


PCgamer 12-15-2005 06:08 AM

Glad to know others feel the same about journey...... all the reviews I read were mostly positive and didnt mention many of the annoying issues of the game. Just bought Syberia 2 hope it lives up to what I am hearing. cant wait.

Jacks 12-15-2005 11:56 AM

Syberia 2 is excellent! Graphics are brilliant, game play interesting and the inventory is easy to use. Some of the puzzles are a bit hard and the cursor doesn't always tell you that there's more to a screen. In some cases just keep walking. The only other major issue I find is the running around you do. Why can you just a place and when you want to go back you bring up a map like Simon1? Enjoy! I did.

Legolas813 12-16-2005 06:46 PM

Journey to the Center of the Earth is one of the WORST games ever created. I played through it entirely earlier this year and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The only reason I bought it in the first place was because I got a choice of a free $10 game when ordering at None of the reviews fully convey how bad this game actually is. I seriously don't know how it got released to the public.

Here are just a FEW of my complaints:

1) Voiceacting – worse I've heard in all my years of gaming; they could have done better by getting random people off the street; I literally wanted to pull my hair out while playing; dialogue was also very poorly written

2) Pathfinding – DID THEY EVEN TEST THIS GAME?!?; it is almost impossible to move around the environment and there are many places in the game where your character can get stuck; just walking to the next screen can get extremely frustrating, not to mention Arian runs 2 miles an hour

3) No clue or response system – when doing most puzzles Arian is totally silent, and often in combining multiple inventory items there are no clues that the player is on the right track

4) Puzzles – very frustrating and often they did not make sense; some puzzles appeared out of order for some reason and caused my game to get seriously messed up; the floating island puzzle was so ridiculous it was mind-numbing

Conclusion: Please just stay away from this game, even if you are curious to find out how bad it really is. The story and environments are sometimes interesting, but it’s not worth the pain to get there.

Melanie68 12-16-2005 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Legolas813

4) Puzzles – very frustrating and often they did not make sense; some puzzles appeared out of order for some reason and caused my game to get seriously messed up; the floating island puzzle was so ridiculous it was mind-numbing


The clues to that island puzzle were supposedly on the posts that formed that walkway from the village to the island. I looked at them for ages and didn't get it. I finally looked up the solution and it still took forever to do. :(

Legolas813 12-16-2005 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Melanie68

The clues to that island puzzle were supposedly on the posts that formed that walkway from the village to the island. I looked at them for ages and didn't get it. I finally looked up the solution and it still took forever to do. :(

Yep, same with me. :frusty:

Dale Baldwin 12-16-2005 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Legolas813
2) Pathfinding – DID THEY EVEN TEST THIS GAME?!?;

Come on, it's hardly as bad as the pathfinding of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. ;)

Karmillo 12-16-2005 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dale Baldwin
Come on, it's hardly as bad as the pathfinding of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. ;)

Is the Pathfinding in these games worse than TMOSs Pathfinding? If so then im not touching these games ever unless they have a Reeeeeeeeealy good story

Legolas813 12-16-2005 10:45 PM

^ Yes much worse. I didn't even think TMOS had bad pathfinding.

Karmillo 12-16-2005 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Legolas813
^ Yes much worse. I didn't even think TMOS had bad pathfinding.


the horror...

GombeTo 12-17-2005 01:23 AM

Well, truly I really DO enjoyed JTTCOTE. At first I was a bit confused with the pathfinding, but my patience used to it. It has great story, wonderful graphics, nice music. It's really one of my Top 15 (or 10... well, let's be on Top 15 :))

squarejawhero 12-17-2005 07:59 AM

I'll direct people to this thread if they keep banging on about p'n'c as a perfect interface in future. :D

PCgamer 12-18-2005 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Melanie68

The clues to that island puzzle were supposedly on the posts that formed that walkway from the village to the island. I looked at them for ages and didn't get it. I finally looked up the solution and it still took forever to do. :(

Tell me about it. I still dont understand the first puzzle with trying to open the stone wall. With all those symbols. Even after cheating I still dont get it???????

eriq 12-18-2005 10:43 AM

Hmm... "Journey to the Center of the Earth" is a tough one for me. I didn't finish the game. But I didn't dislike it either. It's one of those games I have a love/hate relationship with. I loved the story, the graphics, and the setting. But the puzzles and some of the game quirks left me irritated. I will have to pick it back up and try again at some point.

davez82 12-19-2005 04:24 PM

horrible game, bugs galore, and the puzzles horrible. The only thing going for this game was the cinematics which were superb.

btw: nice "folio" eriq

Legolas813 12-19-2005 08:18 PM

I'm still ashamed to be part of this site after seeing our review for this game. 4 out of 5 stars!?! You must be kidding. And Nibiru and ATTWN only got 3 stars? Journey to the Center of the Earth is barely even worthy of a review. It's that bad.,306

eriq 12-19-2005 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by davez82
btw: nice "folio" eriq

;) wow. thanks!

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