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Old 08-08-2004, 10:09 PM   #23
Crunchy in milk
delusions of adequacy
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Originally Posted by Zack
Intrepid, I played the demo for Jedi Academy tonight, and I didn't like it too much. I had a frustrating time with it because I kept dying a lot. But, I do love the fact that you can choose how you want your character to look, and that you can choose the lightsaber (or lightsabers) you want for your main weapon. I ended up using the double-bladed saber that Darth Maul used in Episode I. It felt very smooth and powerful to use.

I wanted to like the demo, but the main beef I had with it was that the dark Jedi were too tough in this demo. They kept using the Force Drain and Force Choke moves on me.

One more thing: Is Knights of the Old Republic as good as everyone says it is?.
See my posts on why this is so, or simply replace the bold text with "I kept bending over backwards asking the dark Jedi to ride me like a pony"

The dark jedi use force powers in clever combinations throughout Academy and they only get cheesier and more powerful as you go. In groups they work together. The dark temple mission in the demo is actually quite late in the game and is a very difficult one even with a lot of practice (vs 3 and vs 2 reborn battles).

With your force 'pool' always so low (and the enemies practically unlimited), its not practical to use energy and force protections all the time while hacking away at them with the cool looking dual or double sabers (your force wont regenerate while the protection is up). Its far more practical to have these powers bound to a key and switch them on/off on the fly when needed, keep your distance and use your jedi powers to pick them off one at a time... either throw them over a cliff edge (of which there are entirely too many in the game) or gut/cleave them using the force abilities that gel with your saber stance (there are more with single saber which is why I laud it).

Academy is no saber monkey's game which was a total let down, short of maximising 'force rage' which protects you from everything and costs little at 3rd rank there's no style/option to finesse the heck out of the bad guys with 'mad saber skills' Its really force ability focused.

A lot of the later missions where total let downs, a bridge/cliff every bloody where and all you had to do was fake bad guys out with a little lightening, they ALWAYS jump in the air leaving themselves open to force push and zoom zoom off they go. After a whole string of this they set you up on a raised platform to fight a boss... who behaves exactly the same only there are 'invisible' barriers that prevent them going over the side (not you though!). Say cheese.

Visually its a nice game to run through and on easier difficulty settings, a lot of fun... not much of a challenge though if you fight cheese with cheese.
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