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Old 05-08-2012, 03:50 PM   #66
The Space Quest Architect
Join Date: May 2012
Location: The Earnon System
Posts: 8

My friends,

From the iPhone of Chris Pope, sent to my website email address:

"Hi Johnathon,

Glad to see you so excited. Did you by any chance miss the lower area
of the Kickstarter where it mentions for every $100k there will be a
playable demo?

We've already got something together to show everyone.


Sent from my iPhone"

I thus encourage you to at least check up on the kickstarter for when it reaches $100k, even if you are not willing to pledge at the moment, and you will get what you have been asking for.

Most Respectfully,


P.S. This can be verified by visiting the Kickstarter page
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