Thread: Fable Heroes
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Old 05-05-2012, 09:37 AM   #1
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Default Fable Heroes

I'm a huge Fable fan and have been since Maze dragged "our little hero" to the Heroes' Guild to become the champion of Albion. When I saw the 'Arcade Next' release 'Fable Heroes' and the cheesy puppets within I pushed it away, like my wife when she want's to talk about her "horrible day" at work. Then when 'Trials Evolution' had me steaming to the point where I couldn't bare to play it anymore I decided to give those awfully crappy looking puppets a chance.

My findings were an incredibly enjoyable hack-and-slash game with the Fable feel you get from all of the series. The cartoon versions of the Albion locations we all know make you feel at home from the word go and unlike most hack-and-slash games it doesn't feel repetitive. I applaud Lionhead Studios on this epic mini adventure that has got me roaring and ready to go for Fable 4.

All the achievements and collectables are easily accomplished with time and not much effort so it's an easy 400g to your score. There are several puppets to unlock and choose from mimicking characters from all three games including 'Jack of Blades' the antagonist from Fable 1. If you're a fan of Fable and are looking for a good 4 player co-op to kill a few hour then I recommend you get on this one.

Any gamers get the chance to play this one? What were your impressions?
I have Medorthophobia...
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