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Old 04-17-2012, 02:09 AM   #71
Intense Degree
Failed Birthday Elf
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Intense Degree awoke suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his ribs and found himself under the baleful glare of Timovieman!

How had he fallen asleep? Certainly not through boring subject matter, clearly preoccupation with other things had caused him to doze.

He frowned at the present riddles...

Originally Posted by WitchOfDoubt View Post

I abide with the Dear and departed above,
At the start of a breath
, and the closing of Love.
I've the power to separate heart
, soul, and mind --
Beware! As you meet me
, Death follows behind!

- - - - -
Hmm, a scythe like thing separating other things and, which death follows behind? Perhaps a COMMA?

The Heir Apparent

He speaks in foreign voice,
And thinks in spoken thought;
His famous choice is not a choice --
He is, and he is not.

- - - - - -
The famouns non-choice puts Intense Degree in mind of Hobson's choice, and the reference to a play above leads intense degree to a wikipedia page. Unsure of the first line, the second may refer to soliloquys within the play so the audience can hear what the character of thinking.

The answer might be Hobson, but the title of the riddle, heir apparent, may suggest Will Mossop, a character who, according to wikipedia, marries Hobson's daughter and takes over his cobblers business. Maybe that is the answer, although lines 1 and 4 are enough to make Intense Degree doubt that he is on the right track?

Maybe others will help him.
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