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Old 04-15-2012, 01:47 PM   #564
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Originally Posted by lobotomy42 View Post
Uh...he was also a reclusive creep who obsessed over his dead wife and had become ostracized from the department where he worked at Oxford. And his personality (at least towards Sam) could best be described as "brusque." So flawless is not exactly how I would describe him.
Being reclusive, depressive and anti-social after great personal tragedy isn't really a "character flaw". Imagine a perfect and idealized fiction character(genius, rich, handsome, good-hearted, etc) that lost the woman he loved. Yup, that is Dr. Styles, and he acts and does exactly the way we would expect an idealized and perfect character would.

Besides, the "Genius who lost his wife and goes to insane lenghts to be with her again" is one of the most well established fiction clichés by now. Styles didn't add anything to that cliché,

P.S: Don't get me wrong, I liked GM and I still think its characters and writing beats most of what is out there in the gaming genre. I suppose it is just not on the level with the rest of Jane's work.
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