Thread: Botanicula
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Old 04-06-2012, 07:50 AM   #31
lost in rubacava
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Originally Posted by TimovieMan View Post
I've always pronounced it "Mashinarium" too. I get the confusion with mackinations, but I thought that both mackinations and mashinations were accepted in English? So, in analogy, maybe both are correct for Machinarium as well???
Believe me, English accepts a lot. It's a wonderful, screwy language that makes rules then breaks them every chance it gets.

I don't get the comparison with the Latin "deus ex machina", though, because the pronounciation there is closer to ma-he-na (the 'he'-part being like the word), imo. No 'sh'-sound, no 'k'-sound.
Sounds like you're speaking church Latin maybe. (Which I know next to nothing about except it doesn't sound like what I learned in school sometime before dirt was invented.) AFAIK, Zane is right. It's a hard 'k' in machina not a soft sound like 'sh' or 'he'.

Anyway, Botanicula looks awesome. It's one of the few titles that made my "list of games to play" before it was even released.
You and me. I've already got it on pre-order and I'm off to download the goodies now.
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